Okay, there was a brief discussion in one of the many threads started by Lomo paying homage to his guns. The discussion surrounded UPS and how they will leave stuff on your doorstep, no matter what it is. So last week I was on Ebay and picked up a really nice set of Callaway Irons (golf clubs) that I had been wanting for a while, but was too cheap to purchase retail. So as soon as I won the item I shot the pay pal payment to the guy in Florida and about 30 minutes later he sent me the tracking information via UPS. So as I eagerly awaited these clubs it showed an eta of Tuesday afternoon. Well on my way home I totally forgot about them, I just assumed they would be there. When I got home and didnt see them, I asked had anyone seen them. So I got online, and the tracking info said they were delivered at 3:33PM and they were 'left at front door'. So I went back outside, thinking that maybe I just missed them and he had hid them in the bushes or something, nope, went all around the house, no dice. So I call UPS and they tell me I have to call the shipper to have them issue a trace, and that they cant give me the local hubs number, since they arent equipped to take phone calls. I call the UPS store in Florida and tell them the story, they say they are going to issue a trace, I email the guy from ebay, and give him a heads up (this is after I contacted PayPal to have them put the freeze on the payment). I am hoping the UPS guy just dropped them at the wrong house, but how easy is it to follow the guy around and just grab packages where they are left if no one is home? Geeez what a moron. I guess the sender is a moron too for not putting 'signature required' to cover his own ass.
Yeah, not hard to follow the big brown truck. By the way I just got a set of Callaway Irons, I picked them up off some guys front porch. Man, my game is really gonna improve.
UPS is always leaving other people's packages on my porch. The guy is so used to leaving us so many packages... that if someone else on my street has one- I end up with it. Every 3 months this old man down the street gets insulin and other medical crap- and I have to take to him. I accidentally opened a few- because it was in a cooler package , and I thought it was our drugs/vaccines. When we first moved here - the UPS man delivered a box with 3 packs of immiticide (heartworm treatment) to the wrong house... $530... they were no help- . I went door to door, and a kid gave it to me- said "my mom called our dog's doctor and is giving it to them" I WAS SO PISSED - that 530$ turns into about $2200-2600 for us... and for regular vets about $4500-5k... I had the kid call the mom, and I had to threaten her- but we got it back. good luck
That sucks Phat,I can't believe UPS just leaves packages on peoples doorsteps.You should send yourself a package,insure it for $1000.00 and then tell them it never showed up,collect the insurance and buy new clubs.
I think I might take a big pooh in a bag, surround it will compressed gas, then seal it in a box, then leave it on the porch. Just better give the family a heads up.....
PayPal has done the right thing, so Im not worried about the money, it was just a great deal, thats what pisses me off. Oh well. I bet the UPS guy probably saw that it didnt have 'Adult Signature Required' and decided he needed new clubs.
That sucks. UPS leaves stuff on my neighbors porch. I've had to go over there and get it. They can't grasp the concept of house numbers. I didn't have a house number at the time but the house two houses down did and the house beside them did as well. So it would make sense 1,3,5,7,9, etc, on one side and 2,4,6,8 on the other. I don't think they get it.
I think the next time I have something delivered, I will check the 'status' then leave my car at my mother in laws, hang out in the house all day, and then if some one tries to creep up and steal my jank, I will come out of the house with a super soaker filled with bleach and ammonia.
From my local paper today. Delivery man accused of altering packages A UPS employee was arrested Tuesday on charges that he relabeled several packages so they would be sent to his home. Patrick Harrison, 31, of Evans, is accused of removing the shipping labels from four packages containing automotive rims worth $525 each, according to a Richmond County sheriff's report. He faces a charge of theft by taking over $500, the report said.
That would be funny. He'd have like 6, one in the kitchen - wearing an apron, one in the living room - wearing a sweater, one in the bed - wearing, well nothing, one out back in the pool, one in the car....he'd be living his own little marriage fantasy....
Dude, you fucked up a perfectly good pair of my Chinos last year with that shit. I may have to consult Lomo on a firearm to comfort me during this recession. I live in a pretty bad neighborhood.
So Friday afternoon a UPS truck pulls up at my house. I, thinking that they located the package, was very happy. When the guy got to the door he just had a form for me to sign. I asked him if he was the driver that 'left' the package, and also if the guy stealing rims was. He said he spoke to the guy that dropped the package off, and he said that he left them inside the screened in front porch. I then did my best vannah white hand gesture and said, "uh, I dont have a screened in front porch". The guy laughed and said that he thinks he left it on the wrong street and they would get someone over there to see if they can locate it. Great.
Check the laws in your state... In our state, the Governor signed into law a provision that got rid of that ridiculous "...was cornered with no escape, and felt my life in danger..." clause, and reworded it to say something to the effect of: "Bitch - if you're on my property and I think you're either posing a threat to myself, my family, or my possessions, may God have mercy on your soul - as you're about to meet him." It pisses me off to no end that the garage at my grandmother's old house has been a haven for small-town, pre-pubescent, wannabe "gang members" that decide it's cool to hang out there, spray paint the walls with their logo feces, and decimate the structure by knocking out bricks. What these pricks don't realize is that the house lends itself several fantastic sniping spots, and the 100+ year old well out there hasn't been filled in yet. Infrared video camera footage of the perpetrators invading and destroying personal property (as well as engaging in illegal activities within) would serve as excellent evidence in a criminal case, and I wouldn't even have to hide the bodies. But that's another story altogether...
Well last night I took the Fam out to chinese and when I got home booya there were my clubs sitting on the front porch.....you would think that they would have at least dropped them off when I was home, but noooooo.... So now, with the 2nd set of clubs I bought, I have two sets of Callaways.... Oh well, guess I will put them back on ebay, maybe make a little scratch on them around tax time. Lomo - Georgia has a law like that. Everyone used to say that they had to be in your house, but I asked a few cop buddies and they said it can be in your yard, or pretty much anywhere that you felt your life or the lives of your family were threatened. "I feared for my life your honor" You'll have to ride downtown but they wont hold you.