Crazy Women

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by BIGMAMA, Dec 8, 2008.


    BIGMAMA New Member

    Today my son had a dentist appointment at 3pm. Before any dental work including cleanings- he has to take pre med antibiotics due to his heart. This is a new office and they will not call it in. The last office called it in for me- but called in capsules...and he would not take I got some liquid from our vet clinic. Anyway- They said cardio doc had to call it in. So I google Sibley Heart Center to get the number. In GA we have 3 main area codes 770, 404, 678 . I accidentally called it using the wrong area code. When I ghetto chick answers...I say "I'm sorry I have the wrong number" She goes crazy say shit and screaming - "I know you fuckin my man bitch....I'm gonna find you" and other crap like that. I just hang up. Call the right number and left a message for them to call it in. Ghetto crazy bitch keeps calling me back - about 5 times. I told her how the mistake happened...and she still is going crazy. Told her to call her own number using the other area code. ANYWAY- I had it and was sick of her calls. So last time ... I answered with "YEAH IM FUCKIN YO MAN.... AND GONNA HAVE HIS BABY! only to hear a sweet little voice say- "um this is Kim with Sibley heart center" SHIT - I hang up.
    I saw the number on the caller ID and it is so similar to ghetto girls- I thought it was her again . My luck - something similar like this happened to me a long time ago.

    Now I am on hold calling them back to say I gave the wrong number...and use another number. Hope we get this crap before 2 - if not I will have to go ask Arab asshole for some Amoxi... this sucks- Not to mention I am sure crazy chick will keep calling- I am kinda glad I did not say that to her... then I know I would have calls all night. She has calmed down and not called in the last 20 minutes - maybe she did call the number and see it was mistake.

    Why would a woman be that crazy. I feel sorry for her man. It shocls me that there are so many fucked up people out there.
  2. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Damn. Wish you could tape some of those...

    Some people are like that... Not to stereotype, but it seems to be mainly African-American women and, well... most men. Some of the shit men do is just absurdly amusing.

    But really... Get your recorder ready. :)
  3. homer

    homer Member

    I like to take wrong numbers on the second try and either tell them that they are gone with whoever or answer it and scream at them they are the 7th caller and won a trip somewhere.They always hang up when I tell them they won.
    There are so many f*cked up people out there to keep us amused when they are showing reruns on TV.I've worked with the public for 20 yrs and nothing surprises me anymore.The public is the best entertainment there is.
  4. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Try the Zoo - the people are sometimes more entertaining than the exhibits.

    Heard an animal expert tell his son once, "See, Juan? This is how Lions act out in the wild - in the jungle!" :rolleyes:
  5. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Something similar happened to me when I misdialed once. I was trying to call my friend who was male and I got this old woman on the phone, so instantly, I knew I had the wrong number. I was like "Sorry, wrong number." She acted confused and I told her that I got the first three digits wrong and I was sorry. I hang up and few minutes later she calls me back and asks me why I called her house. I explained again that I misdialed and that I was sorry. So few minutes later her husband calls and asks me why I called. He said his wife called him and saw the number on the caller id and doesn't know why they called. I had to explain to him the same thing and he didn't get it either. Finally, I took my phone off of the hook.
  6. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    They were probably on PCP. Is that popular 'round those parts?
  7. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    No. Meth used to be really bad. Labs getting busted all of the time. I hope that's all over and done with.

    BIGMAMA New Member

    meth is bad here ... 4 years ago, my mom bought a house... but had 2 weeks till closing ... so she stayed at a pay by the week place. I was visiting her, and that whole place was full of drugy scum. this one neighbor was hanging out outside near her door. I said "do you know where I can get some ice" meaning frozen water for a drink.... he said yeah follow me.... I get my big cup and follow him thinking he is showing me to an ice machine... NO he took me to drug dealer in the building. I guess ICE is also a name for meth.
  9. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Meth is everywhere. In the small town my mom lives in that seems to be all the poor kids do. I guess in the mountains of tenneessee there aint a whole lot going on. At least it thins the herd and weeds out the weak.

    How come they cant make a drug that is good for you?
  10. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    How did you get out of that one?

    BIGMAMA New Member

    we were walking and when he stopped to knock on a door... I said- is there a machine somewhere? he said HUH Naw man- my buddy makes the shit around.
    I explained that I was looking for frozen water ice.... he laughed and said - OH well do you party? I just laughed and walked back to my mom's.... he followed me asking me if wanted to get WICKED.... I said "my husband is a cop" he stopped following me then.

    another time I was at a club and chick in the bathroom asked me " Do you like Tina?" turns out TINA is a code for some drug as well.
  12. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    What if she asked you if you liked rosie, does that mean she's hitting on you?

  13. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Damn, I don't know drug slang very well. I guess because I didn't do a lot of hardcore drugs. Acid, weed, and coke are the only street drugs I have done. I blame acid for my panic attacks. I have a love/hate relationship with pot and I hated coke 100% and had to take valium immediately after taking it to calm the hell down. It made me feel really nervous and agitated. It was like a normal day for me amplified. I don't know why anyone would pay to feel like that.

    I don't think I would like heroin. I don't care for pain pills. They always made me feel light-headed and want to puke. I can't get into that. Not even for the warm fuzzy feeling. It's too much like alcohol and triggers my vagus nerve to act up.

    I think I would have liked quaaludes though. They sounded like fun. I am like a horse when it comes to sedation. I think nervous people are hard to sedate.

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