Didn't think work could out do itself.

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Fernando, Dec 1, 2008.

  1. Fernando

    Fernando Member

    So I was just working as usual today, and a lady comes out of a theater in a panic. She walks up to me and says "I need someone to help me get husband out of theater 2...he's prone to seizures". She said this crazily, a mad panic, apparently he was a vet and a plane scene in Austrailia really poked him bad. I got another one of the larger male managers to help me, and when we got in there, he was in a huge sweat, he was drenched completely still and stiff. He couldn't stand so we had to lift him, by this time the entire theater was eying us. The scary thing about this was that he was ice cold, literally no warmth to him at the moment. He weighed a good amount but we managed to get him out to a bench to lie him down before an ambulance could come. Miraculously he got back up after a little bit, it was weird though, before he got up his wife was just sitting there stroking his hair. He looked bent the fuck out here, and we further learned that when she left the theater the plane scene didn't end, she just thought it did, the man had a seizure in the theater and his heart stopped while we were carrying him out.


  2. JEFE

    JEFE New Member

    You guys might have saved his life. You should be proud of yourself.
  3. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    If he died, he wouldn't have gotten cold that fast. I would say he went into shock.
  4. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Geez... You left the most important detail out! What movie was it?!?

    Tell me it wasn't "Barney's first ride on a Huey."

    If it makes you feel any better, I once was at a restaurant with this girl I was dating, and we got busted having sex in the bathroom by a cop...

    You may be wondering what the hell this has to do with people dying, but the only reason the cop was there was because right before I had my gal bent over the toilet, this old woman in a wheelchair (whom we previously noticed being spoon-fed at a table next to us,) had keeled over at her table.

    So, as Officer Blueballs escorts us out, we notice the paramedics with the gurney and the old lady...

    I sometimes wonder, had we finished without interruption, and the condom broke, would her reincarnated soul have jumped over to our unborn fetus? :confused:
  5. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    He mentioned the movie to be 'Australia' in the original post. I am guessing the guy faked a seizure to get out of that 3 hour long snooze fest. Hell, he probably talked his wife into rubbing one out for him and thats when it happened.....
  6. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    I love movies like that! :)
  7. Fernando

    Fernando Member

    It was pretty intense looking back on it. I didn't appreciate people faking getting a refill to see what was up though lol.
  8. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    That was probably the most exciting scene in the movie.....
  9. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    People are blood thirsty and weird. It's just instict and morbid curiousity.
  10. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    It's like a train wreck... It's so horrible... but I can't look away!
  11. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    You should have looked at the EMT and said, "Oh my god, its in the theater and its contagious??"

    Funny story, I may have shared it.

    When I was in HS I worked in the kitchen at a local BK. One day I pulled up and the top of the building was smoking like crazy. All the people in the outside playground were hurling their kids over the 6 foot wrought iron fence. Apparently there was a grease fire in the kitchen, which happens from time to time when they were busy, it was contained to the grill and the vents were just pulling the smoke out, like they are supposed to. The parents just all freaked out and went 'last lifeboat on the titanic'.

    It was horrific and funny all at the same time.
  12. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Damn, I wish you could've filmed that. I'd love to have seen that shit - and put it to music.

    Don't know if I could decide what song to use... FF it and play "Flight of the Bumblebee," or slow it down and match it to some horrendous love song - like Celine Dion's horrid Titanic theme song.
  13. homer

    homer Member

    I work at a casino and one night a woman has some kind of a seizure and falls off her stool,hits the floor and starts shaking.Along comes another woman who walks up and proceeds to step over the woman on the floor and steals her coin.We got her on camera and caught her before she could spend it luckily.People and money never ceases to amaze me.
  14. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    At least the broad didn't step on her... :rolleyes:
  15. homer

    homer Member

    Wouldn't have surprised me,I was dealing cards one night and a woman was walking by my table,she fainted and the 7 players I was dealing to,just turned around, looked at her,turned back and picked up their cards.Fire alarms going off haven't even got people to leave.
  16. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    All of those drunk people you see on a daily basis, I bet you see a lot.

    I worked at the Holiday Inn years ago and I would see all kinds of weird stuff with the drunks in the bar. Grown women peeing themselves. It was gross.

    Had an old guy collapse in the lobby. I didn't know what to do so I did nothing and let my co workers take care of it. I'm shitty in a crisis. I'd be the idiot in the horror movie that you want to get killed because they just stand there like a dumbass.
  17. homer

    homer Member

    The drunks are the worst,they either want to be your best friend or kill you depending on whether they are winning or losing.I've met a lot of great people over the years but for the most part the ignorant bastards far outnumber the good ones.You definitely need a lot of patience to deal with the public.Probably good that we can't carry weapons here.;)

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