1) bloodninja "stole" your chat logs? There's like one fucking chat log in there allegedly from bloodninja, and the rest is all shit. 2) who fucking writes for this site anyways, mongoloids? 3) your writers steal from somethingawful
wow, you are not only stupid, but you have no fucking idea what you are talking about. Lowtax sucked my dick once for gas money. ask him
Waaaaaaaah... Someone had to register, and post, to view exclusive site content... Do us all a favor - go back and suck on your momma's supple nipple until you're old enough to browse the Internet and post something worthwhile... Or, don't. Preferably the latter.
What exactly is this site for again, or I mean these message boards? I never bothered to check back when Grim told me about this forum.
There not for anything. That's just it. Its an avenue for us to spout off all the BS we see/go through in a day. We have a bad day, somebody makes fun of us and we move on. It's as easy as that, dickcheese.
nobody made you join, leave the forums, commit suicide and make the world a better place to live without your dumb ass in it, you exceptionally moronic maggot lipped fuckstick smegma loving cockbiter. :biggrin: