I cannot stand when a group of people are compelled to sing the same off note tune. And sometimes see this such as for instance the Jenna Six issue. But I have never met an individual I hated in a preconceived way. But I guess this is Fugly. How about switching Black with Muslim terrorist. Then you have a real joke.
I never hated black people, hell I have black friends. Just more shock value this way, people would be all "Yeah, fuck dem terrorists" if it were the other way. This way it's more "Jesus, that is so wrong"
whats the difference between a bike and a black man? when you put chains on a bike it doesn't start singing....
Huh Ya 19th century called back They want your ass to concede DEFEAT !!!! Along with the confession to your contribution to the genetic pool that spawned GWB.
why do they put cotton in medicine containers? to remind black people what they did before they sold drugs
This is only a joke. This is not my view on African Americans. I have told jokes the offens every race including mine. However... If you are offended I Apologize. I am not a racist. I make jokes about all stereo types. I of coursr would not tell that joke in public. I feel this thread is an appropriate place to tell any joke WITHOUT offending the subject line. Anywho... accept my apology or not. I really do not care. No harm meant. If you are so easily offended you should not read this thread.....Happy Kwanza you punk ass mo fo!
What do you do if you see a black guy bleeding on the sidewalk? Stop laughing and reload How do you starve a mexican? Hide his foodstamps in his workboots