White Guilt???

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Icenhour, Nov 5, 2008.

  1. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member

    someone on a local forum stated everyone white has at least a small amount of "white guilt" and that is why Obama got elected. Am I alone in saying I don't have a drop of white guilt in my body? When I stated that, they came back and said ...
    "So when you watch movies about the slavery, you don't feel sad?"

    sure slavery was bad... but I was not involved in it, so why should I feel guilty?
    And yes some movies make me feel sad, and sometimes make me cry- all kinds... Color Purple, E.T.,Old Yeller, Gladiator, Green Mile... etc - I don't feel guilty after watching them... I did not kill E.T. - I am sure I have seen slavery movies (just cant name one right now) and I am sure I thought it was sad.... sad - yes ..... guilty - NO
    When I watch movies with crazy chicks killing/harming guys... I dont have chick guilt.

    Am I bad person, because everyone kinda attacked me for not having white guilt and called me a racist . I am not racist- hell I'm married to a sandniggah and have a half camel jocky baby. sure I like a few funny racist jokes... but so do black people. Over 50% of most black comic's jokes are poking fun at black people.

    I know I'm a bitch for not feeling guilty for bad shit I DID do...but am I a bitch for NOT feeling guilty for something I did NOT do? Anyone else lacking this "White Guilt" gene?
  2. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I don't have it.

    I think Obama won because everyone hated Bush.
  3. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    I dont have it.

    A good (not in a ha ha good way) slave movie is 'Amistad'.
  4. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member

    I liked the movie Mandingo. One time out at a nice restaurant with a few friends ... this Huge light skin 6'5"+ built hansom black guy came in, ... I think he was 1/2 white or something.. he did not look like any black guy I ever seen ... anyway I don't dig dark meat - but this was an exception.... he might be famous or something ... if not he should be. He caught every woman & gay man's eye when he walked in. We all joked about - he would be worth being disowned by family-and silly stuff like that.

    anyway he was there with a model looking girl and a little nerdy guy. After an hour or so he got up to go to the bath room... well I went to the bathroom a about a minute after him , never saw him or anything (didn't mean to- I had to poop) ... I was in the bathroom a long time.(poopin and fixing an eyebrow) I came back and a friend said "what took so long?" I joked and said "I was gettin me some Mandingo Man Meat" well I guess I said it a little loud and some rich bitch black chick got all upset.

    Point of story... I want to know - Is the word "Mandingo" racist or offensive?? I figured it was not since it was a movie title.
  5. beenjamin

    beenjamin New Member

    I think it was more of the context then anything.

    It's considered social slander to say all black guys have big meat poles
  6. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member

    its better then what the poor Chinese go through

    which by the way - my friend owns a whore house aka escort service... and all the girls laugh about the Asian business men and their little purple peters . poor guys.

    most of her girls will not see black guys- not because of crime or anything like that (its a high dollar place...and most ghetto guys will not throw down 6-9 hundred for some monkey) but because they want their cooters torn up.. and loose for the next guy.

    ahhhhh I love hooker chats.
  7. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Isn't Obama like technically 50% black and 50% white? Was there some kind of race draft going on? Why is he labeled as black? Wouldn't mulatto be a better term?
  8. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Oh. sorry. Apparently mulatto is an offensive word these days. Biracial?

    WTF is wrong with America the Offended. Why does a little person get pissed at the word midget? You can't say anything without someone taking offense to it.

    Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. Am I the only one that believes that anymore?
  9. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member

    yeah and fat chicks get mad when you call the store "Layne Bryant" ... "Layne Giant" I went in there when I pregnant to look for clothes (the maternity stores have nothing but dorky crap ) so I figured... hell just get some big ass fat girl clothes. My husband and I split up at the mall and while I was trying on crap in the dressing room, he called and I said "I am at Layne Giant the fat girl store across from the salon" geeze every bitch there got a sudden case of mad cows disease.
    I dont get it... black guys can call each other niggah, so I figure if I am fat and pregnant-and shopping at the store... I should be able to say fat girl store.

    People get offended on the word "retarded" I have a friend that has a retarded sister and brother (her mom had her at age 25, and the bro at 40 and sis at 41) anyway she told me YEARS ago that she hates when people use retarded in sentences - like (oh that shirt is retarded) and every time I see her I tell myself DONT SAY IT >>DONT SAY IT --- and it always comes out. I guess because I'm trying not to say it. oh well fuck it... I dont hang out with her often... cause lately she is acting RETARDED

    Its funny that at my old house I had a small fish pond , and my mom gave me a little statue of a black boy fishing to sit next to it... and every black person that saw it (friends,meter readers, delivery men) all loved it. I was scared they would find it offensive- but no
  10. beenjamin

    beenjamin New Member

    This isnt at all really politacal.

    But fuck it's not like anybody cares
  11. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Not much more political than political correctness.
  12. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member


    well it started out kinda political ... someone said Obama won due to White Guilt.... I was just wondering if anyone here had this so called white guilt....and if they agreed

    so yeah maybe should have gone under another topic... but like you said... fuck it - nobody cares.

    My mind wonders ... I will start out wanting to post about one topic... then I just go all over place. I'm like that in person as well with conversations.
  13. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member

    let me know when you find a thread here that is 100% politically correct... might find a few in the "fizood" section.... or maybe the Music section, but then again I am sure the musicians talked about are not exactly PC.
  14. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    If Fugly was one of those purist P.C. sites. I would not be here. I despise political correctness. I'm saying that discussing "white guilt" belongs in the political forum as well as anything that’s been here.
  15. dsturbedchild09

    dsturbedchild09 New Member

    I agree with you 100%. The worst thing to be in America now is white.We are the only people who don't get special rights.
  16. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I went to one of those white power sites to see how they are coping, but it was so jammed up that they wouldn't allow guests to view the forum.
  17. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    That was funny.

    I hate it when fat women call me skinny bitch. It wouldn't bother me if I could get away with calling them fat bitch. I'm not even skinny by choice, so it's even more annoying,
  18. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    You can call them that. They opened that door, now make their robust asses walk through it.
  19. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I think skinny is offensive. I prefer the word "thin". :)
  20. beenjamin

    beenjamin New Member

    Like squeezing a cow through a circus hoop ..

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