Just got out of the hospital

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Nauseous, Oct 24, 2008.

  1. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    And I am a crying mess. I went in Monday thinking I was dying. My stomach and back hurt so bad that I was sweating and blacking out. I also puked a little and had diarrhea. The whole ER experience was a nightmare. I learned that I have a drug allergy to Zofran. I broke out in hives everywhere and to make matters worse, I had to have my stomach pumped because my stomach decided to quit working and let acid and food just sit there and cause it to enlarge and splash acid all up and over the place. After I had it initially pumped, I had that tube in for about 14 hours. I had to go to the bathroom at one point and they have to unhook you and they didnt cap me off, so I shot the contents all over myself and had to lay with the contents of my guts on my pants for an entire day.

    I had never been admitted and had to stay at a hospital in my entire life. It was a nightmare. You cant sleep because someone comes in every hour to take your vital signs. Or put more bags in your IV and it's noisy as hell even with the door shut. At least I did have a private room, but it was across from the nurses's area, so it was loud as hell. And when you call a nurse, you get an asswiper who says that they will get the real nurse and 70% of the time they don't do it.

    I still feel crappy but I wanted out so badly that I would have done cartwheels.

    My problem is that they want me on prednisone. They gave me some in the hospital and my ears swelled up like crazy and I was hot and flushed, so I refused it the rest of the time there. I am terrified of that shit. Absolutely terrified and I don't know what to do. My doctor is a piece of shit with no bedside manner. He didn't even come talk to me the last day there.

    I'm flipping out. Anyone know anyone who took prednisone?
  2. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member

    you need it to quiet down your immune system (the allergic reaction)

    we give to animals all the time for allergies, and for Rodent ulcers.

    I had a doc give me scrip for it a few months ago. That was a stupid Doc considering they knew I had cushings.... so I never took it - taking it long term (years) can cause Cushing's.

    it will make you swell up, and have a hard time sleeping.

    I am sorry about your ER trip. How do you feel now?
  3. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    I am sorry to hear that pukey. Id call you, but you never gave me your number. You should bitch and complain until they kick down some good narcotics. I wAs in the ER last week for Heat Exhaustion, ans dehydration. I passed out in the studio (it was 132 degrees) I over estimate stuff, from losing 170 lbs, and for get to shit, like drink fluids
  4. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I hate to hear about you feeling so bad Pukey. I hope you get to feeling better. Keep your chin-up and stay positive as much as you can. Me I do not care for drugs much myself I think that is a cortisone drug and short term should not be a big deal but can be ironically hard on the stomach. Ask your pharmacist and see what they say.
  5. GAS

    GAS New Member

    Hope your stomach starts working correctly again soon!!
  6. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    I've never had any adverse reaction to steroids, other than the time the nurse told me to "not get hard" as she was sticking a needle into my asscheek, at which point I told her, "It takes more than that to do it for me, honey..."

    Simply put, explain to whomever is in their internship you're seeing that you develop an allergic reaction to your previous treatment. If they don't understand, or don't care, ask to see a real doctor.
  7. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member

    how you felling today? Keep me posted,please.
  8. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I'm alive but depressed as hell. I still haven't taken the pred. The Flagyl and Cipro are making me ill enough. I've lost 8 pounds in one week and now I'm anorexic because I am afraid of this happening again.

    I fucking hate Crohn's Disease and it's nasty small bowel obstructions. Thinking that this is what I have to deal with and surgery could be in my future just makes me want to die because I am weak and being away from home was the worst thing to happen to me in a long time.

    Now I know why Cobain shot himself. I feel like he had Crohn's.

    If I were a selfish person, I would totally kill myself right now.
  9. homer

    homer Member

    Hey Pukey very sorry to hear you are not feeling well.Just wanted to say that no matter how you feel today tomorrow is another day and it might just be a liitle better than today. I woke up one day 2 1/2 years ago and found out my wife was lying to me for a year and I had to go bankrupt three days later and a month later found out my son had Kawasaki disease ,no matter what happens today and no matter how bad it seems, tomorrow is another day and who knows what might happen.That is what keeps me going.I know I haven't posted much here but I still come by and check out the forums.I hope that you feel better tomorrow. I can't imagine what living with Cronn's is like,the worst I have gone through is kidney stones a couple of times and that really sucked.Hope you feel better.
  10. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member

    Medical shit can bring anyone down. I am so sorry you feel like this. When I would feel like shit I always think of the people that are worse off than me. It always makes snap out of it. Here I would be bitching about Cushing's, my back, cancer or whatever and then I remember seeing kids at the children's hospital that are 10x more fucked up than me. I try to think of things I need to great full for.

    I hate for anyone I know to be in pain or down ... even though I don't "know" you really - I am still sad for you.
  11. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    I haven't check in here in a while. Sorry you feel so bad, Pukey. Could a colon resection remove the affected portion of your small bowel? I know you'd dread surgery but my wife had hers done in Jan and is back to normal and near her original weight. She even has a little junk in her trunk. She actually could use a little Bondo on that trunk to smooth the hail damage but she's healthy.

    Hospital stays can suck. They almost always do. And if your doctor is a tool, ask for another. We changed from our original oncologist just on a vibe and it turned out great.

    Heal well.
  12. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Thank you. I am going to try to be more positive about everything. It's going to be hard because I have always been such a negative person.
  13. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Ahh... now you got me teared up! I try to do the same thing but then I start feeling really depressed about the unfairness in the world. Why bad things happen to good people and all of that.

    I'm afraid of Cushings. Another reason I don't want to take the prednisone.
  14. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    It's not my colon, per se. It's my small intestine. My duodenum and jejunum and I know I have Crohn's in the terminal ileum. I can have some bits taken out but the shitty thing about Crohn's is it will pop up somewhere else. Chemo would be an option to surpress my immune system but how fun is that?

    One good thing out of this is that my stomach looks pretty great (on the outside) and the antibiotics make my poop odorless. Really. I smelled the tp.

    I'm going to try to change my attitude towards life and see if it helps. Yikes. That's gonna be tough.

    I joined a support group but it depresses me too much. Hearing the horror stories only makes you more scared.
  15. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    We'll be your support group, Babydoll.
  16. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Why, does their shit stink? :confused:

    I feel the need to make a phone call and ask for Jacinda. That always cheered you up... :rolleyes:
  17. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member

    well miss high and mighty - "my shit don't stink" I have never heard of that. I know some antibiotics can kill your sense of smell & taste. When I was in the Hospital for almost a month (cat bite- staph) I was on IV Gentamicin... and now I am half deaf. I always talk like I have headphones on, or like an 80 year old

    I know what you mean about support groups. I joined one one time for cushing's ... I only went one time. I came home and said "I don't wanna hang out with a buncha fat ugly people" Plus they were mean to me, it was like being in a room of bitchy buffalo . It did boost my ego - I felt SOOO pretty there.

    I dont think you should worry about Cushing's - because if you develop it, they just take you off the Pred. The people that have it ruff are the people that have the fucked up tumors.

    hope you feel better
  18. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Once your have the guts to smell the TP, the rest is easy.
    You go brave girl. The world is yours for the taking.
  19. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member

    Nauseous, I thought of you today...

    I had slight diarrhea since 7am (normal stinky & brown- puddin like) ... and just now at 3pm I pooped and wiped ... and looked at the TP and it was clear jelly like ... I thought of you and smelled it(something I normally don't do) and it was odorless - WTF? I am not on any new medication, and did not eat anything weird. I have had this before... but I don't think it was odorless... but then again I think this was the first time I ever smelled it.

    Nauseous- you gave me the odorless poop disease.... how you doing today?
  20. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I still have pain in my upper left quadrant and back. I have no idea what that is from.

    I notice if I shit my guts out that my poop loses it's odor. By the time you get down to the mucous, you've already shit all of the stink out. I don't usually smell it either but I noticed that I hardly pass gass and if I do they no longer smell, I decided to. I think it's from the Flagyl. It kills all of the bacteria in your gut and considering I only eat bananas, applesauce, mashed potatoes and Ensure, I don't think it gets much of a chance to stink up. I think I will live on a small bowel obstruction diet until I die.

    I haven't lost my sense of smell, if anything it has altered everything to kind of stink. My husband smells like onions and food to me and it's gross. Everything stinks except my poop.

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