Not butter, butter would be disasterous for people to be drowning their popcorn oil in. Last time i checked it was a soybean substitute. It's not as horrifically bad for you as you would think.
I hate to bring the gauntlet down on your thread, but I can't help to reply when someone claims real butter to be bad. Fact of the matter is that both your and my bodies have been biologically trained to process certain foods. We, as humans, retain (and improve upon, due to this phenomenal thing called 'Evolution') the ability to metabolize and process that which our ancestors both consumed and regarded as staple foods (I.E. natural substances that we had consumed in generations past, which our bodies developed methods of, and enlisted the help of enzymes for, metabolizing.) While this is a rather diminutive example of the facts and evidence supporting evolution, it's worth pointing out in this thread, and is a rather important "take-home" message for those whom haven't fully researched the topic. When it comes down to the chemical basis, with regard to how many double-bonds occur in each fatty molecule, we, as humans, are better equipped to break down saturated fats than those 'unsaturated' fats that contain one or more double-bonds between the chain of atoms comprising each molecule. This is why I ALWAYS saturate my air-popped corn with PURE, SALTED, 100% BUTTER. And a fucking lot of it, for that matter. Guess what? When I have my Cholesterol and blood pressure checked - I'm well under expectations for someone that indulges as much as I do. Care to know why? It's because I don't fall for marketing attempts of seemingly 'healthy' alternatives to substances I know damn well that my entire species hasn't been bred to metabolize. Margarine? NO. Butter-flavored, non-stick, spray-on oil? NO. Olestra? give me a fucking break. Real shit? --- Bring it on! I won't lie, "movie theater" popcorn tastes great, but not without it's cost (and I don't mean the price at the counter.) When it comes to "Movie Theater" Popcorn, all you're consuming is 'butter-flavored,' poly-unsaturated oil, and with each popped kernel, you're ingesting a myriad of bent molecular chains of atoms with double-bonds that your body is not equipped to metabolize. You're much better off eating air-popped kernels, drenched in a salty *real butter* glaze, and as an added benefit, you get to enjoy both the movie and your popcorn in the comfort and privacy of your own living room.
I thought you were posting to Fern The origional Fern I wonder what she is up to now. Likely accomplishing much in life by staying off Forums.
We quit using microwave popcorn about a year ago. We pop our own and butter it with good ole fashion stick butter. Nothing better than a fresh piece of hot bread with a big ol slab of butter smeared on it.
shouldn't this be in the food category? Lomotil is right.... Dr. Oz said the same thing in his book. I hate all popcorn. The smell of it makes me sick. It reminds me of when my mom was in prison and in the big visiting lunch room... people were always popping microwave popcorn from a vending machine. So now whenever my sis, bro, and I smell it- we think PRISON.
Wow =[ It's interesting how over time people become conditioned to associate certain smells with events or things and are eventually so adverse to them that just the presentation of the stimuli causes the reaction. Pavlov's dogs ftw.
With the goddamn prices they charge at the theater for twelve cents worth of popped kernels and a leaky paper cup, I think there's at least a slight chance they might break even...
People are under considerate for the prices of food at movies. They forget to factor in how much it costs to run one. First off, money from box office, that ticket price isnt mandated by us, all we get is from concession. Secondly, 12 dollars for 2 drinks and popcorn to last the next 2 hours isnt as outrageous as you would think. It usually has cheap or free refills, plus a lot of people usually share the popcorn, esentially you are feeding everyone. Popcorn is cheap, really fucking cheap, i am not going to deny that, but i will add in that not everyone likes popcorn and the cost of keeping up other concession goods is a bit stagering considering how few buy them. It's entirely to say "We have a great veriety of snacks!" and it works because people think we have many choices but just end up buying popcorn anyhow. Land, fuck, look how big of an area we have to pay for every month. The parking lot can never be too big as that is the buisness. No buisness of week days, not even enough to stay open. Theaters that dont do this are frowned upon by film companies and rates would be higher. So 5 days out of 7 we lose money. Unless its summer, then it usually breaks even. Staff, our theater has 5 salary managers, they each get paid around 40k. Then there is 7 hourly managers, 9.5 an hour. Add in 54 regular employees at minimum. On weekends, we usually have around 25 of these working at any given time. Shit adds up so fast, you'll wonder how we even stay open. Electricity, giant jubilee of things going at once. Nothing as big as previously mentioned, but still rather bad. Fines, you think being a certified member of the MPAA is free, yup think again. Have to pay to have your theater in, not much. There is however a rule of rated r movies, anyone under 17 sneaking in or having a ticket sold to will cost us 5 large. And they test this ALL THE FUCKING TIME. Want to know where we get our money? ADS! thats all theaters are. Previews are always generating income, but if we just get rid of the popcorn or lower its price we wouldnt break even. If we got rid of it, less customers would come. See the dilema here? And thats why popcorn is expensive.
I dont think it's expensive. I just think it is 'misproportioned'. Who wants to eat 200oz of popcorn, with free refills? I think the snacks are crazy.
I just go to a movie on rare occasion with my wife and have her carry her large ass purse complete with McDonalds burgers and fries. We do buy a coke though. But she carries bottled water all the time everywhere.
I dont understand why people want to eat while watching a movie....anything. I think the last time I ate while at a movie was Titanic ... my little gay friend and I went to this nice theater to see Wildthings... but it was full and we were high, and did not want to drive so watched Titanic. This theater served food and beer and had hot waitresses. It was nice since it was such a long ass movie. How long was Titanic.... wasn't it like 4-5 hours long. Man it sucked. The seat reclined back and I feel asleep. I think that was the last time I smoked pot as well.
These people have a pretty cool setup. My brother and Sister-n-law like it for convenience. They have three kids and are on the move they can catch a movie and dinner at the same time. I have gone there myself its pretty cool the food is ok and the drinks are large and strong .... at least the "Texas Tea" is (long Island)
Movie theaters are trying to add some weird gimmicks to get more peopel to come. Some of our theaters are getting full liquor bars for the upstairs so people can drink and talk about the movie afterwards. I doubt that will be a good idea, since i usually jet to my car to avoid traffic after the show. Weirdest I have seen was a theater with an internet cafe incorperated in it. If that wasn't weird enough they also had a bowling alley connected to them. Who wants to watch a movie with a bowling alley next door anyhow?
I havent gone to the theater consistently, since like 2003, when a friend from high school stole a roll of tickets the theater is suppossed to give you in the event that something happens and you cant resume the film, so they give you these tickets, good for one movie showtime. Anyways, he gave me like 30 of them for $30, so I saw about 30 movies that year and the next. Nowadays, I just torrent them, and watch em on my 42'' Panny Plasma. I just cant see why people would willingly pay so often to go see a movie for $10+. IMO, its not even worth the experience.
Up until this thread, I was blissfully unaware that movie theaters were actually still turning a profit... I thought they went the way of the "Drive-in" many moons ago... Not trying to knock your current job, but honestly - think about moving to a field that doesn't adopt a business model that's, quite literally, on it's way out. The same thing happened to the arcade industry back in the early 90's. Nobody wants to go to a public place anymore to enjoy what they can faithfully reproduce in the comfort and privacy of their own homes. Just like with the arcades, you can 'pause' the action when you have to take a piss. The same way you don't have to keep an eye out for that bastard with the flashlight when you're getting a blowjob during a movie. (Although, I will admit, there is some sort of satisfaction in getting a BJ while watching The Little Mermaid in a room full of families. Especially when you're in the front row...) I know a job is only as good as it's perks, and I can imagine quite a few in the cinema, but for how long will they last? And besides... That popcorn still sucks. *This message is approved by the United Council for Dairy Farmers Inc.*
I still like the theatre for the experience. Watching Iron Man on the really big screen is morea about the experience. Here is a rundown of the last full-price movies I have watched. Tropic Thunder Hulk (new) Iron Man Spiderman 3 The ones I watch at the dollar theatre are just to apease the old lady. They are usually sappy crap chick movies.