Geez, Nauseous... What are you talking about? I don't even own "a" gun... :biggrin: Love to stay and chat, but I'm leaving early today... Have some shopping to do...
Nauseous is right. And your reply doesn't make any sense at all. You don't sound like a responsible gun owner to me either. You sound like a dangerous menace.
Just my two cent. The Columbine kids broke 17 gun laws. Think about it want to add 17 more laws then they would have broke 34 gun laws. There was a time not to long ago when a kid could have drove his truck to school with a gun rack mounted un the rear window (remember those?) and not created much of a stir so long as it was hunting season. And guess what there were not a lot of crazy people going around killing each other in schools. So what happened? I'll tell you pop culture happened. Popularization of hippy government protests, a blurring of the lines of good and evil, whiney crybabyism, welfare state, shock entertainment, no need to be a real bad ass just a ruthless prick, communism. There made up a word along the way. Now I am done.
I own many guns. However, I'm not allowed to use them at all. If someone breaks into my house at 3:00AM, I'm still not allowed to discharge any firearm within city limits. If someone fires 8 shots at me, and I fire one back and scare him away... I will be given a fine. These are the retarded gun laws our city has put on me. But the police say "Pay the fine and be happy you're alive." WHAT THE FUCK?!? The reason we have the right to bear arms is not because our founding fathers wanted us to be able to defend ourselves from theives, or protect us from those who would do us harm. There were only two reasons. One reason we have the right to bear arms in America, is because a bunch of british cocksuckers (I mean old cocksuckers, not our british cocksuckers here at fugly) were walking right into our houses, setting up shop taking whatever they felt like. It was for protection from the Bristish that we were given this right. The other reason was because those early American's realized the danger of power. They knew that if the government (themselves) ever wrestled power away from the people, they would need a way to revolt. This is why some folks in government want our guns. So they can dominate us and we will be powerless to stop them. Thank you Citizens of Washington DC for fighting to keep our rights.
Nauseous makes some valid points, yes. Forgive me for embellishing on my exploits. The fact of the matter is that I respect all current laws regarding firearms (at least, during this moment in time.) Read what you may into my posts, but believe me when I say that I respect the power that a firearm has. I would never jeopardize anyone else's safety when it comes to the handling of weapons. The .22 through my door? If you must know, it happened on my ranch, well away from civilization, and absolutely harmless to anyone but myself and my urge to roll the passenger window down. Jesus Fucking Christ. You people take things so literally here all of a sudden. It's like, "Dwaine has heat on him for exercising his free speech, and all of a sudden, we're going to treat everyone like there's some illegal monitoring program attached to their posts." Pussies. All of you that bitch and moan. Pussies. Joe pointed something out I was wondering about a week or so ago... I haven't seen a gun rack in the back of a Chevy pickup window in fucking ages. I was wondering why. And Cheesedawg hit the nail directly on the fucking head with his post. Most people don't realize that the 2nd Amendment is in place to protect the rights of the citizens against a government that does not have their best interests in mind. ENTER THE DEMOCRAT These are the people that want to take your (collective) strength and ability to stand up to ideals that do not conform to the law, and strip you of them. Remember that. Fucking remember that.
i reallky am glad i live in the uk where not even the only people what have guns is the army i have NEVER known anyone that was killed with a gun,i bet you lot can't say the same.
Gee Tommy, you british still have sore assholes from the fucking you took from thr USA in the 1700's? How many people you know that have been killed or injured in knife attacks? That's a pretty popular pastime in the UK lately isn't it? Don't you folks have cameras watching your every move in a lot of Great Britain? Your government is set to squash you like a cockroach and you can't stop it. I'd rather be here. :biggrin:
I bet it makes you sleep sounder at night thinking that, doesn't it? Y'kno, when we were children, we hand dangling carousels above our cribs to lull us to sleep. Yes there does seem tobe a lot off knife crime,and idiots compnays like tkmax seem to enjoy profitering on it,the bunch off fucking wankers.
I'd rather have a neighbor with guns in case something goes down at my house than have some pussywimp neighbor that thinks calling 911 will help. A good friends son-in-law capped a naked man that had illegally entered their home after being told to stay out. Said deceased man was going for the kids rooms when he met his maker. No charges filed. sometimes a KFC spork just isn't enough to protect yourself from the bad guys. No home owner should be without a gun to defend themselves in this day and age, where home invasions are getting more prevalent and criminals don't care about your life. Kill 'em all but six and leave them to be pall bearers. :biggrin:
I don't know... I've met some folks that are pretty proficient with those sporks... We're talking pros here.
That reminds me of the "Rappin Duke" where he was attacked by 200 Indians. "thats 12 dead, and 188 pall bearers..." I think I am going to go pick up a 12ga, or if I can find it a 10ga, I got a real bad feeling we are going to have a democratic president, and then Joe Biden as president. I dont really care for guns (not anti-gun) and I dont think Lomo is a gun nut (yet). If something goes down I want to be prepared, oh I did fill up the 250 in case we need to pull the camper to a more safe location.