I created a second account once, but that was because I couldnt remember the password I had set up when we changed board formats and we all had to log back in. I know grim came back as moskau or something like that, I think dan posted as Michelle, barry has a plethora of other names, and Dwaine was IMC (right?). So fess up puto.
Dwaine and IMC are the same account. Back in the old days, you could change your publically displayed name. Which is why Fat-N-Sassy wanted her's changed so badly because she used to be Tommeh's Mum. I've had about 9 accounts that I can think of and I wish I could get back into some of them. But I'm not telling which ones they are.
I have had one other screen name that I was going to use after DS kept on ragging on me, but ended up not using it since some of you turned out to be pretty cool and started talking to me....
my bad, the other name I used was Starr Rocket, retarded I know, but then again sometimes I feel like a nut, sometimes I dont.......
I used WHOCARES for few days, but everyone knew it was me. My wife and daughter had an account, but you all scared them away. I had a second account at one time, but I don't remember the name. It was way to much trouble to log in and out, and I got bored with it. It got lost in the move. UCICARE. What you see is me.
I created LTC Havoc when Jeff changed the site and I couldn't get back in. Plus, I thought I was getting promoted (still waiting.) I may have posted once or twice but that's it. But, really, I am Barry's alter ego......or am I???
I am formerly known as GreenAppleSplatters, the password to that account is in a long lost AOL e-mail so GAS it is.
I was smurfslappa, but I can't log in with that name. I don't remember the password or anything. Can Jefe help?
I think tomorrow I will change my name completely and just dump this name. I am sick of it... and it is not my name anymore. I will try to think of something new to call myself. I wouild like to have another personality - but that is 2 much trouble. I am a rude guy on my local city forum. Maybe I will return as a dude. naaa cant bitch about my period then. Which btw just came today. I will be me...just maybe I will have a hotter younger pic of myself. See you tomorrow with a new name.
I have some suggestions for the new name - bleedsalot redwings bitchandbleed cunningrunt sucksalotta kissmycrack dangerousdan
I am now and always have been tommy710,fucking annoys me when people keep changing there names i dont know who the fuck is who,didnt know gas was greenapplesplatters,remember pissing myself at you when i joined now i just think your a cunt. think i mightve had tommy711 for a while cos i lost my password and that cunt jefe wouldnt do fuck all,but didnt exactly need to be einstein to know it was still me. used to fuck me off to that when everytime someone new joined they always got accused off being a former member,i was sparky for about 2 years,ya bunch off paranoid bastards. oh and iwas and still am too fucking dumb to open and use 2 accounts but i didnt wanna mention that but cos im stoned i will.