maybe I should add that when pregnant, while having crazy dreams I also pee to bed ... nothing sexier then a fat pregnant chick in a pissy diaper. oh and when I was like 9 weeks pregnant - I dreamed I had a hairy baby (like the circus freak dog boy) when it came to doing the amnio test I asked if they could tell if he had that syndrome... they asked why, and I said because I would get an abortion... I could just see the headlines "Veterinarian Has Dog Baby" that was huge fear ... and I knew if I had a dog baby , there would be rumors of DNA splicing and crap (My hubby did many publicized studies on animal DNA) or people would say that I fucked a dog. I was freaked out the whole pregnancy. then at C-section time,,, the doc was pulling him out and the nurses all said "Awww look at all that black hair" I started freaking out.... and my hubby had to come to my side of the curtain to say NORMAL HAIR >>NORMAL HAIR !!!!then explained to them "She was scared it was a dog baby... shes a freak" which now I wonder if they thought he meant FREAK as in I fucked a dog. the video is hilarious - actually my sister said she is going to put on youtube... because we are fighting thru the whole thing. And my famous quote is "Its being cut outta my fuckin body so I get to name it, jesus christ can I call security on this asshole...why does he need to be here, he wasnt even with me at conception" I tend to crack jokes in every situation. such a nice heart warming video. If she posts it, I will share it with you all
Before this thread I was kind of on the fence about having kids, now I'm definetly in "fuck that" land.
I would never do it again . With my 8 year old, I had C- Section and we told them and signed for my tubes to be tied, I guess they didnt . The kids dont bother me, its the pregnancy that sucks. The back ache, heartburn, peeing on yourself, crazy hormones, boobs leaking,...fuck that.
My wife agreed that being pregnant is the worse part of kids. Then comes the back-talk, the 'hogging the 360', then the next thing you know they are stealing your weed and smoking it with Barry. Medicinal Herb.
will do, even though it is not my most flattering video, I have bad double chin in it...due to weight and from where it was shot. She needs to edit some boring crap out... like my husband and doc talking about brands of sutures. He could not believe they were using the cheapest sutures "gut" . We would not use those on a dog. . . And that our dog spay tools were more high tech and better.
It's not so much the panic attacks that I get. I know what those are. It's just this dreaded feeling that someone is going to die. I had that feeling for a while and someone (a relative) did die, right in front of me. One minute they were alive and talking to me and a few minutes later, they were dead. This was a total unexpected thing and it happened in a public place. I know that has messed with my head a good bit, but after that, the feelings of death went away for a while and now they seem to be back so I'm hoping I'm just depressed and not psychic and someone else is going to die.
I always remember at least one or two of my dreams from the night before. Sometimes they get triggered my something later that day and the dream comes flooding back. More times than I can remember, I've had dreams about people that I hadn't seen in a long time and then I run into them the next day.
Only by his blood. Oh, yes. On both counts. :biggrin: Isn't that comforting??? :biggrin: Never even heard of it, and the first person to call me Pvt. Pyle gets a special 'Xmas stocking bonus.' Hurry up, everyone, and claim yours!