I have about 5 that I watch over and over. This one is number 1. What about you? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nrx_fEl4E7Q&feature=related
That one is number 6 on my list. Here is number 2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B60KKOPO2yY&feature=related
Can't say which are my favorites, but a couple came to mind tonight: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=L1BDM1oBRJ8 Hell... here's a whole compilation of most of 'em... http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=ogEtfIdgjpY Shit... I almost forgot one of my favorites (this is in the anthology of clips right above here, but it is fucking hilarious on it's own...) http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Lh-F62TfVYs
Isn't "Counselling" spelled with one "L?" Other than that, I laughed while he was acting the fool... Reminds me of at least one former acquaintance...
Counseling has one L, except in Britian where they insist on using two LL's. I love the clip where they ask the Indian, "did you take anything out of my tent?" I have never seen those GI Joe clips before. Very funny stuff.
http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=7Jes8OnGVo8 im to fucking dumb to embed the clips,just click it and stop fucking moaning,it made me laugh anyway.
http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=kdOfUcEyWqk&feature=related fuck me i did it how the fuck did i do that,by george i think ive got it,i can be taught.
Well, in the spirit of the season, and as an attempt to lighten the mood of the Obama agenda, I thought I'd post some parodies of the 80's GI Joe Public Service Announcements. I've laughed my ass off at these, many times, but for some reason, it seemed appropriate to mention GI Joe before this election. Now, some of you may already have drawn the parallel between, or in the very least, read about, the purpose of The Smurfs cartoon. A great report can be read at: http://www.angelfire.com/mo/potatofarm/smurf.html Other references can be found by searching for "Smurfs Communist" on Google, do your own research, you'll turn up even more enticing evidence... It's fascinating, and lends credibility to the subliminal basis for the actual inception of the G.I. Joe cartoon that followed shortly... Trust me on this one...