That's alright as long as it isn't full of people that sit there with their mouths open who smell funny.
in my area any metal gets stolen and sent to scrap for cash... thieves keep hitting houses that are for sale- getting the copper pluming... one builder went to jail for shooting his employee for stealing cooper. kinda funny- when I lived in Downtown Atlanta, I lived in a sky rise apartment, with a huge balcony... I had the most beautiful plants on it, looked like Martha Stewart lived there- due to buying them for 2-5$ from crackheads. my fave was a small tree that went for 120-200$ at home depot - got it for $5 he asked for 10$... but I jewed him down. woohoo
They're embedding microscopic GPS tracking systems in all exotic plants over $100 at Home Depot. You might want to take the X-acto knife to that thing before they track you down...
this was like 11-12 years ago- that plant died like 9months after I got it.... see why I refuse to pay high dollar for plants... crack heads have the best prices on power tools as well.
The Daphne PD got another one last night, Seems the hurricane sent a few residents of New Orleans scurrying for cover, and the motels in Daphne are packed with refugees. Since my office is an easy stroll from three motels, we got a visitor last night. The fact that the clinic was closed didn't seem to bother him. The Daphne PD show up about 30 seconds after the alarm goes off, and find him casually walking down the sidewalk with a "who me?" look on his face. Judging by the lumps on his head, I figure they beat the confession out of him on the spot. My video cameras confirmed his confession, which probably saved the officers a civil rights lawsuit. God I love small town justice.