Happy Birthday, Pukey!

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by MAJ Havoc, Aug 26, 2008.

  1. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    I didn't forget! Yay me!

    Happy Birthday, dear. Hope this day is a good one.
  2. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member


    my Birthday sucked... hope yours is better
  3. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Thanks guys, so far my parents haven't remembered. I feel like Molly Ringwald. "I can't believe this. They fucking forgot my birthday!"
  4. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Why did yours suck?
  5. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Cause she didnt spend it with me.


    Happy b-day pukey, so how many licks do you get on yer spanking???
  6. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I'll be 31 at 8:41 in the Post Meridian.
  7. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member

    I turned 31 at 7:47pm Yesterday -Im one day older

    sorry about your parents. The only family member that called me was my sister. Even my husband forgot... he called but only to remind me to order Leukemia/Aids tests

    My mom did call me, to ask for money- but said nothing about squeezin me out of her vagina 31 years ago .... or as that call it around here VIRGINA

    some friends remembered - but when they called they also asked for FREE vet service (3 people) - I am erasing a few people out of my life.
  8. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Well, they did remember without me having to give my underpants to a geek. I was getting worried.

    I know what you mean about friends. Everyone has a fucking agenda. I cut people out a while back and I'm doing it again. One fag in particular. I can't deal with the dramatic angst, flakiness, self-centeredness and backstabbing. He has all of the qualities that I hate about most women and they are amplified by 10. That and he listens to shitty 'queer' music.
  9. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    So, you have to come to Fugly to find your real friends. I am honored, yet saddened to be among them.
  10. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I like you guys better. I don't have any co-workers, so I kinda consider this place my work environment.
  11. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    And I've never vomited on your sofa. That's gotta be worth a few friend points.
  12. moremetal4mepls

    moremetal4mepls New Member

    Happy Birthday Nauseous,I hope its a good one.
    Happy belated B-day Icenhour, even though it sucked look on the bright side. In dog years you would be dead.
  13. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member


    I cleared out my fag pack a long time ago - they were all great and fun when you are single / no kids... They are now just a face on my friends list on myspace now- but we could all care less about each other.

    so when I became a real person in world (not a club hoppin dragqueen) my friend circle turned into a bunch of moms (that are Boring) but even those bitches are self centered.

    Its funny one's husband is a lawyer - and she called me one day asking if we could spay 2 great danes for her....FOR FREE - I said sure, can your husband redo our Wills - and Help me file papers against my X husband... she seemed shocked. I told her spaying her 2 giant dogs would take us about 30-45 minutes each and about 12$ in drugs, sutures...plus I would have to scrub and autoclave the surgical packs... and for her husband... it cost about 10cents in paper and his assistant would do all the typing. She said she had another call...and I did not hear from her for 3 weeks. Then she called at 2am - She had her 2 dogs spayed at a high price clinic (550$ per dog) and one of them opened the incision - and she did not want to drive 45 minutes to the ER vet clinic... she came, we were in our PJs -we sedated & stitched the dog -I made a few comments about how TIRED we are, and how tomorrow was a big day for us... and the bitch STILL did not offer a dime. I wrote 'BITCH' on her lawn with Round Up weed killer. hehe but a week later I drove by to see it...it looked like BUCI
  14. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    You should sedate her and sew up her clam.
  15. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    I hate people like that.

    I have the ones that call me all the time wanting 1) me to tint the windows of some car they bought 2) me to help them remodel their kitchen/bathroom because they dont know anything about plumbing 3) me to look at their computer because its acting weird and they dont know why....

    I have 1 friend that I have known since I was 18 or so that I help out whenever possible, but then he does the same for me. So its cool. Its the beeeyotches that make more money than I, that want stuff for free that drives me nuts. (I write them off and take their cash playing golf).....

    I dont mind bartering (i think thats it) I just hate a-holes that want something for nothing, just cause they know you.
  16. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    I come here for your technical advice, Dan's medical advice, Barry's therapy, and Pukey's gastrointestinal insight. Excuse me for trying to save a dollar.
  17. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member

    I like bartering - when I was 16-18 there was a weirdo that owned a nice shoe store in Atlanta - I would barter used panties for shoes.

    $2.99 clearance panties.... for a pair of $80-$250 shoes. He never touched me, or even made a pass... weird

    I did this like 20 times- almost once a month. I guess he liked my twat snot - eww then his store went out of business - I was sad
  18. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    Happy birthday Pukey.

    Just think, if you live to be a normal age you are not even half dead yet.

    I hope that thought makes you day even better.
  19. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    I just noticed your new avatar picture Major.

    It's bad enough that you stole my sunglasses, but to post a picture of you wearing them.....well, that's just adding insult to injury.
  20. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Yea he tried to sell me those on Ebay, but I like the shiney lenses.....not the blue blockers...


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