The 10 things you want to do before you meet your maker???

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by moremetal4mepls, Aug 16, 2008.

  1. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I hope that was sarcasm.
  2. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Id like to take a big, morning after shit in a old sandwich bread bag and then smack somebody in the face with it.

    That or free some pandas from a china zoo and smack them in the face with it.


    what the fuck. there really isnt anything Im worried about doing before I kick the bucket.
  3. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Witness something truly majestic
    Help a complete stranger for a common good
    Laugh till I cry
    Drive a Shelby Mustang
    Kiss the most beautiful girl in the world
    Get a tattoo
    Visit Stonehenge
    Spend a week at Louvre
    See Rome
    See the pyramids
    Hunt the big cat
  4. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Im down with that, I think CheezeDawg is too.
  5. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    I had a professor once that maintained (and it's left out of most the books, apparently,) that Pavlov would surgically put little glass 'windows' in the cheeks of the dogs so that he could observe their salivation.

    Whether or not this is true is beyond me, but I was hoping someone else might have heard that story.
  6. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Your professor sounds like a hippy.

    I have never heard that, have you googled it?

    I didnt see anything about glass in cheeks. Im thinking most dogs really dont have much control over the slobber, and it usually goes everywhere.

    I have a cat that 'drools' when you pet it. Its disgusting, but funny.
  7. Zoop

    Zoop New Member

    You like cats :biggrin:
  8. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I would say that he was half wrong.

    For the purpose of registering the intensity of the salivary reflex all the dogs employed in the experiments are subjected to a preliminary minor operation, which consists in the transplantation of the opening of the salivary duct from its natural place on the mucous membrane of the mouth to the outside skin. For this purpose the terminal portion of the salivary duct is dissected and freed from the surrounding tissue, and the duct, together with a small portion of the mucous membrane surrounding its natural opening, is carried through a suitable incision, to the outside of the cheek in the case of the parotid gland, or under the chin in the case of the submaxillary gland. In this new position the duct is fixed by a few stitches which are removed when the wound has healed. As a result of the operation the saliva now flows to the outside, on to the cheek or chin of the animal, instead of into the mouth, so that the measurement of the secretory activity of the gland is greatly facilitated. It is only necessary for this purpose to adjust a small glass funnel over the opening of thc duct on to the skin, and for this we find a special cement prepared according to a formula of Mendeléeff most useful. As an alternative, very suitable and accurate as s recording apparatus is a hemispherical bulb which also can be hermetically sealed on to the skin. From the bulb project two tubes, one pointing up and the other pointing down. The latter tube is used for drawing off the saliva which collects during each observation, while the former tube connects by air transmission with a horizontal graduated glass tube filled with coloured fluid. As the saliva flows into the hemispherical bulb the coloured fluid is displaced along the graduated tube, where [p. 19] the amount of secretion can be read off accurately. Further, it is not difficult to fix up an automatic electrically-recording device which will split up the displaced fluid into drops of exactly equal volume and reduce any lag in the movement of the fluid to a minimum.
  9. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

  10. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Nice find... I hadn't bothered to research it, as I'm usually too inebriated by the time I reach my computer, but I digress... :biggrin:
  11. Piggy Piggy

    Piggy Piggy New Member

    Only one...

    1) go on a killing spree...........
  12. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    What are you going to do breathe on everybody?


  13. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    ...and Dan has arisen from the grave yet again! :rolleyes:
  14. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    1. Try every Illegal Drug in Excess, at least once.
    2. Strangle a hooker.
    3. Fuck a female celebrity in night vision then post it on youtube (and hopefully not have my big hairy arse blocking the view all the time)
    4. Finish something I started.
    5. Go on wine and/or beer tasting tour, get sozzled and start a fight with another guest. (and win)
    6. Scam a bank or insurance company, or simply rob it at gun point.
    7. Get a gun.
    8. Go on Big Brother and create such a controversy that it finally gets cancelled, like everyone really wants it to be.
    9. Wake up in a hotel room in Las Vegas with a man who pretends to be my lawyer.

    hmm cant think of more, that will do.
  15. Piggy Piggy

    Piggy Piggy New Member

  16. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Yes, I am trying to end apartheide.

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