deal We go to a very REDNECK poor town on Fridays, I had a crazy lady bring me a poop sample, after I took the bag from her she said it was her poop... but has no insurance and was sure she had worms.... but had no problem paying for the 15$ fecal test ... I told her no. the thought of human poop made me sick. A month later she came with her dog and showed me a bad puss oozing abscess in HER mouth, and said she needed clindamycin .... the dog was old ... and had bad teeth... we gave the woman the pills --bottle had the dogs name on it, but we all knew who was going to be taking them. We need free health care. People are going to mobile vet clinics for services... its sad
It pisses me off that illegals and crack heads can get free healthcare, but somewhat decent people cant. They should have something better than 'free clinics' for all people. The state offers 'peach care' for kids whose parents dont have insurance, how hard would it be to allow parents the same type of care? The only crappy thing is, it is only good if you are in GA. Learned that info when a friends kid cut his foot on oyster shells in Edisto (SC) my wife cut hers getting him out, but we both have insurance and ended up being free (for us) but our friends paid almost 700.00 (that was cut in half by the DR) for their kids. They had to call her parents (the boys mom) to get the money. Very depressing.
How about the woman who got busted with Tussigon for her dog's 'kennel cough'? I think she ended up with like 36 bottles.
we get people that ask for it all the time, for kennel cough... we only give antibiotics, and tell them to use OTC robotussin DM
Thats crazy, the town I live in is fairly small and I'am all the time hearing of people Dr. hopping to get pain meds, but I would of never thought people would actually go to a vet and try it.
Heres another one This started out as a latex allergy, and ended up as cellulitis, shit hurt all the way to the bone! I even did the debridement myself with only topical lidocaine for the pain, shit doesnt work...
my mom has 4 Docs - She gets each month total like 120 soma, 360 hydrocodones, fentanyl patches, and countless other crap. But she is like 80% dead... just numbing herself- doing her own Hospice care I guess. She is ate up with cancer, arthritis, and now severely addicted to pills. She takes less now then last year ... One of her Docs was the one that prescribed to the wrestler that killed his wife and kid a while back. I forgot his name but he was known as the Pill Doc to many- I had to take to the doc a few times... seeing all those people twitching and going thru withdrawal - sad. Guess that is why I never take pills...afraid of becoming one of THOSE.... well that and mom steels them She has no insurance- no one treats cancer free- but let an illegal mexican come over, plop out 1-12 babies... and we pay for it all, Hell they even get free formula - I get behind one like once a month at the grocery store...using a WIC card.... my new baby drinks 14$ a day worth of formula - kinda wish I could snag one of those cards
One of the pt's @ my work is an illegal immigrant. I found out recently that my work was footing the bill, and thats why no one has recieved a raise. Pisses me off, you would think someone who is getting his life prolonged for free would be greatful, but this motherfucker comes in evertime 5 to 10 kilos over his normal weight, and then eats like a damn pig while on the machine. Doesnt take care of himself and talks nasty to the nurses. I refuse to dialyze him...
you should share the pics.... I will share my c section pics, if I can find them. have you ever gotton a colonic ? My sister gave me a gift certificate for one... as soon as this period pimple on my ass clears up, I am going to redeem it.... I will take pics.
I have pics of my colon and my diseased terminal ileum and my eroded esophagus. I also have some pics of my huge ovarian cyst and they are on this site somewhere. Colonic, no. I've never had the need for one. I do a good enough job cleaning that out on my own. Will they let you take pics? I watched a Penn and Teller about it and they busted it for bullshit. The colon reminds me of this: Except some parts have slimy brown shit remnants in the grooves.
sorry you got so much going on with your digestive system ... that sucks. my poop system is weird ... I either have squirts for a few days, or constipated- I eat right, take fiber...just cant get on a good poop schedule I love Penn & Teller bull Shit show, I never saw that one. I saw them in Vegas... I know he is not attractive ... but I have a crush on Penn. I guess I like big smart asses
Thanks. At least I know what is wrong with me after all of these years. Just a word of caution to anyone with or anyone who knows people with stomach problems... Don't ever let the doctor diagnose you with IBS unless everything has been ruled out. I thought I had IBS for 13 years. Turned out it was Crohn's.
old rotten...I forgot about that site. images/movies on the internet dont freak me out anymore. I wonder if he survived, and what he looks like now if he did.