Whatever. He's been losing weight like a motherfucker which is why I am concerned, but I don't have his cell number since I deleted my PMs.
He looks like Carrottops fat brother. And its not really losing weight if you have your gut stapled shut now is it........its cheating.
He said he probably won't be back. We spoke via text message one day last week. Hope to hear from him soon.
If he really lost all that weight......no longer full of siht........doesn't belong here anymore......
This is my fault/doing. I love Dwaine like a brother. A sick, twisted, out-of-control maniac brother who I'm deeply afraid of but I love him all the same. Dwaine Parker... "One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die." He'll be back one day. You'll see. Bigger (or smaller) better, stronger than he was before. And hopefully with more to say than commenting about how he'd like to wrap his huge (for now), pimply ass-cheeks around someone's face and "shart". Whatever the fuck that means.
Just in case you're curious. Douche bag, or simply douche, is considered to be a pejorative term in Australia, the Philippines, Ireland, the United States, Canada and New Zealand. The slang usage of the term dates back to the 1960s. The metaphor of identifying a person as a douche is intended to associate a variety of negative qualities, specifically arrogance and malice.
Well, at least he's not (1) not (2) coming here because he's too weak to type. What do we need to do to get him back?
Suggestions to get Dwaine back.... 1. Post a video of someone sacrificing an infant on the steps of a church. 2. Take up an offering and buy him a gift card to Moes. 3. Fart in a bag and tell him that he has to post again to get to smell it. 4. Call his Doctor and get his supply of Lithium and Lortabs cut off. 5. Pay his bail.
I googled his name and found some site where this woman was all afraid of him because he said he was gonna smash her head in and hit her in the face with a brick if he ever met her. I thought he only talked like that to us. I was under the impression that we were the "chosen" ones. I really hope he is okay. I'm chickenshit now to call. Or cickenshit as he once put it.