Best day of your life and 10 things you want to do before you you die have been covered, so now whats the most gruesome thing you've ever seen? I once saw a woman come thru the ER who was so impacted she was projectile vomiting diarrea, doc gave her a shot of Morphine for the pain in her stomach, she coded and died. Good thing there was a ventilation bag, cause no one was volunteering to do mouth to mouth..
Holy shit that's insane!! Vomiting diarrhea holy hell. Mine would be when I was out surfing once and a guy about 200 yards away from me got his foot bit off by a shark. I didn't actually see it happen but I saw it when he was one the beach, I could literally see the end of the bone and tendons and blood vessels hanging down, it was bad.
Nobody knows the trouble I've seen: But Nobody knows where that fat bastard is these days. Or not.
The bathroom cam confirms your doubts. The second grossest thing next to majors teeny wrinkley weeny was the sight and smell of a septic tank stopped up with tampons and condoms. I have a brain burn from it.
You think thats bad? When I worked for my friends dad plumbing company I used to have to go out with the guys and dig those things up and pump them with the truck. We went to this one guys house, for some reason everyone wants to watch. Well we pop the lid on the thing and the T where the pipe comes in from the house has like a million rubbers in it. They are floating all over the top layer of the tank, and the T is just crammed with them. He looked at me, looked at the tank, I could hear him mutter, 'motha fuckah' under his breath and he went back in the house. He whooped his wifes a$$ like there was no tomorrow. We didnt witness any physical violence but he came outside and wrote us a check as we were cleaning it out, then as we pulled out of the yard he was throwing her clothes out the front door. The most F'd up thing I ever saw doing that type of work was at an all-boys youth detention center. We were replacing the main line that ran between the buildings, popped the man hole (no pun intended) and it was full of rubbers too.
He's not dead. I've checked the obits and someone is logging into his myspace account. He's just ignoring us for some reason.
I have actually seen that as my grandmother was in the hospital dying from a cancer that had infested her intestines. She would periodically burp up this black shit that whoever was close by would have to catch in a basin and wipe her mouth afterwards. Still, second to me naked.
I think I would off myself before getting in that shape. 1) I dont want to be a burden on my family 2) Im not sure my 'preferred method' of going out would be, but I am thinking something quick. maybe I'll hijack an airliner and crash it into a building in dubai.
My son has had 4 open heart surgeries, on the 2nd they were about to discharge us, and I noticed he smelled like rotting lunch meat. I got the nurse, and they wisked him away, few hours pass, they bring him back, his incision was infected, and he has to heal OPEN. They had to pack it and change the gauze 5-6 times a day, seeing your kid with a giant hole is the toughest thing ever, and it was nasty (you could see his sternum) In animal health care you see gross shit, but you get immune to it. Every time we spay a pregnant dog or cat, I would have to euthanize the babies, we see nasty tumors, bad pyo infections, animals covered in maggots... and of course there is always poop and puke. The only time I ever threw up at work was when this big lab threw up right after sedation.... he threw up a rotted nasty rat. The smell immediatly made me hurl. worst was 3 years ago when the regular vet that does the county animal control's weekly euthanization... was sick and it was August so they were way overfilled and begged us to come do it. 212 animals in one day- killed, most were kittens and puppies. The AC officers were pissed at us for taking so long, because we sedated them first (the ones we could not get a vain on-like kittens and cats). They said the regular vet just injected them in the belly and threw them back in the cage.... while they scream and die a slow painful death. That was 3 years ago, right when we started the low cost spay neuter clinic ... now exactly 3 years have passed.... its August (high kill month) and they are only killing around 50 a week. Huge drop... I am proud still open after 3 weeks, it had closed a little vet pics
Poor little fella. That would tear me up too. I dont think I could euthanize that many animals, I probably couldnt euthanize one. Im just not into killing innocent animals. Now the sick and ones with no chance of survival, to end suffering, but to kill kittens and puppies, I couldnt do it. (yea Im a puss)
It takes a special person to be able to take care of sick babies. I have worked in the ER, nursing homes, and now a Dialysis Center, I can deal with most anything, but always get weepy eyed when it comes to the babies. Hope the little guy is doing well now...
oh yeah he is all good, a little skater punk. - the little shit will pull his shirt up to show his scar to get pitty and get his way.
I cried like a baby, and was cunt for a month.... came home with a cat and a dog. my husband and I both said we would NEVER do it again, me- for a emotional reasons, husband- for we have way 2 many pets reason. its funny how people give me shit for being such a bitch - because I tell at them to get pets fixed...and people say our website is 2 graphic ... if anyone ever spent a day killing animals, would be the same way.
Good to know he's better. We have 8 year old boy down the street with cancer (neuroblastma.) He wears a cap to hide his bald head (chemo). He has been playing in the street but I don't know what his current prognosis is. He has a twin sister who has not been checked for the disease yet as her mother can't deal with that yet. I watched my wife deteriorate to 99 lbs while battling cancer but she said she was glad it wasn't one of our daughters going through it instead. I have dealt with a lot of stuff but my children, for the most part, have been healthy.
I'm depressed as hell. The animal stories really get me. I have always adopted adult dogs because I figured the puppies had a better chance of getting adopted. If people would just spay and neuter their pets, we wouldn't have such a problem.