This has been around for years, but still some good parental advise. I'am particularly fond of the one two shut the hell up....
I just look at my kid - and he straightens up. He has had ONE good spanking, and that was in front of 2 cops... The little shit hid from me at the mall, because I would not buy a video game. I went crazy had them block the doors, 5 cop cars came to the mall.... and one of the mall janitors found him....he was laughing, I spanked his little ass, he never cried. Laughed - and that made me mad. but he did cry when I threw his TV away.
I would have whooped that ass too. Our schools down this way are pretty good about it to. If you have an unruly kid and the parents come to the school you can spank the kid. I have a friend that is a BOE cop and he says it happens all the time. The dad or mom will say, "can we be alone for a few minutes". He said it was funny cause the kids will talk all kinds of crap till their parents show up, then you come back in the room and their eyes are all puffy from crying. I just tell my kid I will spank him in front of his whole class if he acts up....that pretty much keeps him in line in school.
All a child needs is a good, hard shaking... Preferably while they're still young and impressionable, say, 3 months to 2 years old.