alot of people would never touch. squid live minnows live babycrawfish snapping turtle deer ants swollen with sugar water cooked grasshoppers raccoon groundhog carp mudcat dry dog food (the better the brand the better the taste)although i do not do this on a regular basis. mmmm........lemme think. there may be more.
oh, and if the roadkill is fresh, yes, i will eat it. nothing wrong with it as long as it ain't real messed up.
Oh god. I knew it. So what about the toxins that arise from accumulated blood breaking down in the tissue? The blood starts to decompose (and produce toxins) almost immediately. It's for this reason that the traditional halal (and also kosher) slaughter method is to string the animal upside down and cut its' throat, allowing the blood to drain from the body instead of settling in the tissue. Roadkill will inevitably have severe bruising/haemorrhaging which will mean it is heavily saturated with such toxins. As well as ruptured/exploded inner organs and intestine. 'You are what you eat'. Perhaps it's adequate quality sustenance for a hot, slack, sweaty meat-flap pounding, carnal brute like Ivantheterrible?
i make sure it is freshly dead. and i only cut off the parts that aren't fucked up. i stay away from the rib area due to exploding organs and such. at least i know it is fresh and not sitting in a freezer in a storage unit for years before it gets to the store and probably contaminanted with who the fuck knows what. ecoli, samonella, hormones, etc.,etc.,etc..
homos est road kill??? eewwww, how do make sure it is fresh? Do you drive around in your rusty 1980's Ford pick up - trying to hit opossums- so you will have something to flop down on your Nascar plate at night. I would like to do a fecal test on you. I am sure you have worms. Then you say: "true, but i'll take my chances over mass produced consume mass quantities food." but you WILL eat mass produced dog food. gross
Mine sounds like chocolate cake compared to yours. But I LOVE saltines spread with Miracle Whip and pickles....
The weirdest thing I can think of that I eat is falafel or sardines. Still grosses me out when I feel their little spines break down in my mouth.