Black(s) In America

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by mudslinger, Jul 26, 2008.

  1. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    It's 9AM here. The day has just begun and it's going to suck. I have to go to the crotch doctor and get my cervix scraped with hard plastic.
  2. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    Nothing like a pap to make one's day. It's after 11 pm here. Past my bedtime.
  3. scotlandson

    scotlandson New Member

    Uh...the correct verbage is "white trash ARE TOO proud..." but you are waaay too smart to know that because you are neither, I'm sure. Learn to speak you mental midget. You're starting to sound like the other contributors that using the "F" word. Be above that.
  4. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    Good to know. I was confused as to whether "White Trash" (I capitalize what should be their proper name in deference to their social status) was plural or singular. Phatboy ARE, in fact, White Trash, as ARE I.

    -White Trash "R" Us.
  5. BullGod666

    BullGod666 Member

    are their someboody hear that tinks dey ain't white trash?
  6. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    I dont be knowin, but I done heard that it aint good to call peoples names.

    Oh, and sorry scotland, didnt know this was engrish class. If I want any advice on the proper verbage I go to the Maj.
  7. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

  8. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Is that like a slang word for trim?
  9. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    Now it's a grammar Nazi. I'd say it was Dan, if their spelling were a little poorer. Maybe it's Dan's cousin Billy-Bob?

    P.S. There's no such word as verbage.
  10. scotlandson

    scotlandson New Member

    Hmmm....kind of like black people calling themselve "niggas?" Poor white is one thing, being trash is YOUR self opinion. Do you guys really date your cousins?
  11. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    You can answer that. Do you date Dan?

    And self-opinion should be hyphenated, Mr. 2 Masters Degrees.
  12. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    Uh...the correct verbage (verbiage) is "white trash ARE TOO proud..." but you are waaay (I’ll let this phonetic spelling slide) too smart to know that because you are neither, I'm sure. Learn to speak (, - a comma follows a command) you mental midget. You're starting to sound like the other contributors that (are) using the "F" word. Be above that.

    Don't dissect and analyze everyone else’s posts as if you are above reproach because some Sally Struthers online institution of higher learning saw fit to award you a Master’s Degree, magna-cum-as-seen-on-TV. I got college, too (before you rebut, that is intended irony). We all get careless with our sentence structure and are guilty of errant typographical errors. We write as we speak and we speak to get our point across.

    You can not be the Grammar Ghost, preying on the shortcomings of these Fugly miscreants, because I am he. You must know, Highlander, there can be only one.
  13. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    You'ns is coversatin' like pros now.

    I had learned so much in this here thread.

    Well Im fixin' to get me a cup of coffee.
  14. Fugly

    Fugly Administrator Staff Member Fugly Staff

    It's a pretty good bet that calling somebody a mother fucker is going to turn the whole thread into an off-topic fight.

    Just like in another thread I deleted everything back to this point. If scotlandson and reiz want to call eachother names, please do it in PMs. It sucks to try and read a thread and have to wade through 50 posts like that.
  15. scotlandson

    scotlandson New Member

    You're right. I stumbled on this site and just put in my 2 cents. "Reiz" wanted to sling a little mud. I see this site is no place for thoughtful, insightful
    discussion, just a lot of "F" this and "F" that. I'm sorry, Fug, it got into that. I'll leave the deep thoughts back to "Reiz" and the other foul-mouth intellects. Ta.
  16. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    We expect a little sparring in the GM forum as long as the name-calling is creative (like my posts, CENSOR!!!). Cilvility has not been requisite historically.

    General Mayhem Nobody really moderates this board and so it has become the haven for a lot of very strange people over the years. Unless someone is posting something illegal, we pretty much let anything go.

    But I feel compelled more to skim these playground taunts than to pore over each so perhaps I have spoken out of turn.

    Now back to your scheduled programming.
  17. Fugly

    Fugly Administrator Staff Member Fugly Staff

    Good point. I 'un-deleted' them all again. It's impossible to moderate anything in here anyway.

    Watch what happens next. Some guy came in, made a remark and Reiz replied and called him a mother fucker and said he was stupid.

    Naturally, that's going to turn into a fight. Then all the rest of you little scamps join in like some kind of a feeding frenzy.

    Watch what happens next. You'll all bash this guy no matter what he posts from now on and eventually he'll leave.

    Then you'll cry to me about how dead this place is and how I ought to drive more visitors to it.
  18. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    Allright, I'll stop coming back then, Jeff. Does that suit you better? I actually tried helping you for a while and got nothing but the cold shoulder back, but that's cool. That's the sort of guy you are. Anyways, I'm outie. Feel free to delete all of my posts or whatever floats your boat.
  19. GAS

    GAS New Member

    Oh wait boob shot before you go!!
  20. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Not all of us do that, geez.

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