So while working the midnight shift, we had this guy that dressed up like the joker, make up all over his face. He failed to think ahead that the theater would be hot and humid from all the people. The second time we saw him, his make up managed to melt off his face onto his rather expensive looking 3 piece purple suit. He felt stupid and asked for some paper towels. It was sad and funny at the same time. Funny because he ruined his suit, and sad because he had his make up on like a sad clown, not the joker, when it melted it got even sadder looking.
Were there popcorn kernels lodged within his frown? That'd been the icing on the cake. You should seriously take a digital camera to work with you. These stories would be so much funnier with visual aids... :biggrin:
we had the sequel come in today. Awesome costume, much better than old melt face. I took a picture of him with my phone. Just need to figure out how to upload this shit.
The "easy way" isn't available anymore, to my knowledge. Get on it, milkman... Google "free picture hosting"
I saw two dudes dressed as Jay and Silent Bob when I saw Clerks II at the theater. Classic. It went over better than when I showed up in my Batman Underoos this weekend. They bind a bit, but I can still fill them out.
It was probably the skidmark stain in the back that made batman look like obama that had everyone worried....
When you reply or post, scroll down to the Additional Options section and choose Manage Attachments. That allows you to upload photos.
Well if it is, or if you want some new functions added, just let me know. If having the uploads display as a thumbnail that needs to be clicked is a problem or isn't sufficient, just say so. I aim to please.
Tell this to Fernando... I know how to host my own shit... Honestly, though, that is good to know, in the odd event I'm posting at a computer without an FTP client and I have some top-secret diagrams to disclose to the public under a fictitious account...
If you really aim to please, at least allow us the benefit of editing our posts - it doesn't have to be enabled indefinitely, just let us go back and fix some grammatical errors that we didn't notice at the time of the posting (say, one-day window, or so)... And then get a fucking margarita machine for the break room. I'm tired of running to the bathroom to piss while Harlan goes and rips off the entire blender jar. Not only is it a pain in the ass to find a replacement, but for fuck's sake - he makes off with half a bottle of alcohol in the process...