Theater Shenanagins

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Fernando, Jun 22, 2008.

  1. Fernando

    Fernando Member

    Yup, time for everyones favorite time of the day. What stupid shit happened to me at work this day.

    Most retarded comment coming from one of the most retarded employees we have. His name is Alex, we have two, but he is the fucking annoying ass one. He will continually voice his opinion in this "Heh heh, your cool" type of voice that pisses everyone off. At the same time he isn't really mean or anything, so I'm never like "Fuck off Alex" I usually just give him something to do that will keep him occupied. He was helping a customer, very dead night, and he asked what they were seeing. Apparently it was Love Guru, he heard this and uttered this gem "Oh I saw that, it's not very funny". What the hell, how dumb is this guy. The customer just looks at him with that fuck you look on their face. I hop in and say "This coming from the guy who's favorite movie is Dragon Heart" (he never shuts up about it, we talk about movies we like then he says that Dragon Heart is the best one ever). The customer smirks a bit and walks away. I look at him and say "If you have seen a movie, and you didn't like it, just say 'oh I never saw it', never denounce any movie unless they ask for your opinion and even then never be that harsh on it." He is looking at me smiling...the fuck. Like "Hurray, someone is finally talking to me without me approaching them" God dammit I hate him.

    It gets more retarded though. It turns out he didn't see the movie at our theater. I asked him if he even saw it and he said "Yeah, at the Regal" this is about a 20 min drive from my house, and he wouldn't get in free there. The shocking part was he went on to say that he saw it by himself. Yup...saw a movie by himself, with a drive, not for free. It's not like their theaters are better there anyhow either, they don't have surround sound or stadium seating. We didn't want to question further so we told him to take out all the trash.
  2. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    So you expect your employees to lie?
  3. DangerousD

    DangerousD New Member

    You ever see that sonic commercial where the guy says "I think all that power is making you bossy"? Well I think your mini power theatre bullshit job is making you a little asshole. However, since you were a little asshole to begin with I guess it doesn't matter eh?
  4. Fernando

    Fernando Member

    Honestly, when they are box office and the customer asks "Is this a good movie?" and they tell the truth, it's fine. When the customer has already bought their ticket and food and the employee tells them their movie sucks when they didn't even ask for his opinion in the first place, then there is a bigger problem.

    I tried being honest with movies when I was first starting concession, and you know what...customers got pretty pissed. Eventually managers told me to stop as it was hurting buisness. I mean think about it critically, you just spent 30 bucks with you and your family, your about to walk into a movie, an usher stops you and says "Oh that movie sucks". Yeah, I would be fucking pissed as well.
  5. Fernando

    Fernando Member

    You really like starting things don't you danny.

    Allright, well first off the kid starts doing dumb things to everyone. Like throwing boxes of candy at employees when they are just helping customers. Waiting in the theater all day until an employee comes to see something, then follows them into the movie to sit by them, forcing the other people away. Will start helping people behind concession off the clock, not in uniform. I do work with around 4 mentally challenged people, I don't mind working with them since they are very nice and hard workers. Alex is just infuriating. It's not like I tell him to do things and others not to, It's just when employees come up to you and give you the dead serious "Do NOT put me next to alex today", and when this happens everytime one of shift comes around...but multiple employees, we may have a problem.

    And fuck you
  6. beenjamin

    beenjamin New Member

    people people think about the job skills and ... your really full of your self aren't you? I do some stupid shit at my work*work with movies too* but I don't come near that kinda bull...
  7. Fernando

    Fernando Member

    Yeah, well you only disagree because you are probably that person.

    And most likely DangerousD
  8. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    pot/kettle? "I don't do shit, i write orders, nurses do all my work"

    dan, (yes i know thats not your real name) but I bet you would be REALLY surprised at the amount of other peoppe's saliva and phlegm in your bevrages and food. That is if you act like this in real life with ral people
  9. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    My opinion: I don't think Dan is that way in real life. He likes to get a rise out of people and it works. I used to know a guy like that. He would say shit to the women at work and they would get all 'offended' and talk about him. I knew he was just messing with them and I also knew that they actually enjoyed the attention. I befriended him and everyone was like, "Doesn't he creep you out?" and I'm like, "No. You people just don't know how to take him." I think Dan is the same way, which is why he doesn't bother me and some of the stuff he says I find amusing.
  10. beenjamin

    beenjamin New Member

    shit i was just talking about alex... im already the retard at my work from slacking
  11. beenjamin

    beenjamin New Member

    and no im not dan, im also probaly the youngest out of all of you
  12. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    so you are 15 then?
  13. Bamboozle

    Bamboozle New Member

  14. beenjamin

    beenjamin New Member

    like bamboozle said...

    17 would be in grade 12 if it wasent for placements
  15. beenjamin

    beenjamin New Member

    and yes i've been in juvy/jail 2 times by n/ow
  16. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    I bet your parents are proud
  17. beenjamin

    beenjamin New Member

    i dont really know why Im writeing a lot of this. ... . im gonna go get m self a nice cuppa tea and maby go something and watch ah movie soon not really paying a whoal f uc k load of attention to this conversation
  18. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    or spelling, or grammar, or content. I say skip the tea, try a nice refreshing tall glass of bleach instead.
  19. beenjamin

    beenjamin New Member

    ...Just knew the shit was gonna hit the fan sometime

    I was just sitting here ever since first post waiting for the slamming to start haha fido... ...its kinda a My dad's dead but he killed you'r dad and your Mom killed him, now he's my zombie; both our parents are dead thing...
  20. beenjamin

    beenjamin New Member

    Yeah, there is no content moderating with me .. The thing is I ramble every where I go.

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