American fuel cost vs European

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Joeslogic, Jun 12, 2008.

  1. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Date 01/08/01 (U.S. Dollars per Gallon)

    Belgium 01/08/01, 3.47 per gal, as of 6/2/08 it is now 9.20, Difference of 5.73

    France 01/08/01, 3.58 per gal, as of 6/2/08 it is now 8.80, Difference of 5.22

    Germany 01/08/01, 3.55 per gal, as of 6/2/08 it is now 8.93, Difference of 5.38

    Italy 01/08/01, 3.74 per gal, as of 6/2/08 it is now 8.93, Difference of 5.19

    Netherlands 01/08/01, 4.02 per gal, as of 6/2/08 it is now 9.89, Difference of 5.87

    UK 01/08/01, 4.42 per gal, as of 6/2/08 it is now 8.74, Difference of 4.32

    US 01/08/01, 1.61 per gal, as of 6/2/08 it is now 4.20, Difference of 2.59

    Gas prices have risen on average since 2001 $5.29 per gal in these other countries while in the United States it has only risen $2.70 per gal.
  2. DangerousD

    DangerousD New Member

    That's because we got more guns to steal gas with.
  3. fitch13

    fitch13 New Member

    Yup, that's because in europe most of the gas price goes to the state in form of energy taxes (around two thirds..)
  4. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    Its because the dollar is worth half as much, or have you not been paying attention? :rolleyes:
  5. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member


    If the Dollar is worth half then the price should be more in the U.S. not less :rolleyes:


    Partially but they were taxing like that before the price hike also. A windfall for the socialist huh?
  6. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    I must not have been paying attention, phuking typical :confused:
  7. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Payin at the pump though! :eek:
  8. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I couldn't find out how much I was being taxed today. It was under 4 bucks. I was just glad about that. It was 4.09 for a while there.
  9. homer

    homer Member

    1.47 liter or about 6 bucks a gallon here,pretty soon I will be growing hay in my yard to feed the horse I will be replacing my car with.I just wish we had the climate to drive a motorcycle all year round .

    It sure would be nice if wages kept up with the rise in energy costs,but instead companies are downsizing as a result of the rising costs.
    Now I know this is a little off topic but I relate the rising fuel costs to Iraq and the US occupation or democracy mission whichever way you want to look at it.

    I just met some muslim students from Qatar and it was pretty interesting talking to them about their take on the US in Iraq and how their Gov. looks after their education and the average income(23,000/month) in their country.The 2 of them wearing Rolex watches and trying to justify gambling against their religion by saying they don't use the money for daily needs ,which is fine as they are young and going home where they won't be able to gamble anyway,but I found them to be very personable and enjoyed their time in North America and hope to come back someday.
    It was interesting that they didn't condemn the west for interfering in the Middle East but hoped that people in general would accept them as they tried to accept us while here.My mother was their international student advisor and for arab males to accept a female as an authourity figure was definitely a challenge for these 2 men not to mention dealing with female students and Profs. as equals and I commend them for this as this is not taught in their culture and I hope that I meet them again someday as I hope that their time here in Canada will have some impact on their lives and may creep into the way they raise their families until eventually the world will accept everyone regardless of race,belief,gender or anything else we as humans think the person next to us should do or believe.
    That is all for my drunken rant I guess ,this only started as our local gas price but you all know how alcohol makes you much smarter and self righteous than you really are,and to that I say "Alcohol...the solution to and cause of all life's problems..Homer Simpson"
  10. homer

    homer Member

  11. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I think the thing that sucks so much for the US and gas prices is the fact that we don't have anything to show for it. At least a lot of these countries have some sort of socialized medicine. We have nothing but outsourced jobs, high healthcare and now high gasoline prices. The housing market is in a total slump as well. Oh, and the price of food is going up and what food we do have is being poisoned with salmonella or something shitty like that. :confused:
  12. homer

    homer Member

    Kind of f*cked up that last post as it was supposed to say my view on Iraq and the realtionship of the US invasion of Iraq and world oil prices but I think you got the gist I'm not anti american just anti american foreign policy.
    I love living in Canada and just suck it up when it comes to paying the ridiculous taxes here because when I had kidney stones 2 months ago I just went to outpatients got admitted had surgery and went home with no bill.
  13. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I grew up watching Canadian television (lived rural, no cable, only satellite) and it always seemed like they hated the US. From what I would see on CBC around the Gulf War era, they talked terribly about us.

    Muchmusic was so much better than MTV though. I was glad I got to watch it. Plus I got turned on to some cool Candian bands that none of my friends had ever heard of like the Skydiggers. ;)
  14. homer

    homer Member

    Canadians definitely don't hate Americans ,I have worked in the tourism industry dealing with thousands of Americans for almost 20 yrs and for the most part we are very similar with the odd exception of running into the stereotypical redneck,obnoxious or holier than thou who ends up sticking with you for your next encounter with an American,and you end up comparing them with the aholes you remember, unfortunately.I try to take everyone I meet at face value and judge them based on that, rather than where someone is from.
    Believe me in my job I have met all kinds from all over the world and there are aholes from everywhere unfortunately.

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