How gay. TNT or TBS used to do it every year. It's like watching "The Christmas Story" every Christmas, damnit.
Chiller channel rules!! They are finally releasing the old TV series on DVD too!!! Watch for a remake of the first movie (but featuring Jason somehow) on the next year on Friday the 13th.
I think there is something they call a dvd. There used to be something. I think it was called a video renter place or store or something. I could be wrong though so don't hold me to it.
Did you know the superstition of Friday the 13th comes from the number of people at the last supper (12 disciples + Jesus = 13) and the fact Jesus was crucified on a Friday? Some useless information.
This is the wierdest and most out of place thing I have ever read from you, which is saying a lot considering it IS coming from you...please explain. Please?
I didn't even notice it until this evening. I did, however, notice that I was acting 'curt' to the point of near violence with a homeless veteran (the same one I took a video of a month ago while eating out of a dumpster - with a fork!) The man bathes in the morning in the bathroom sink, lives right behind the store, and steals donations overnight. Typically, I blow him off, and I've even had a few civil conversations with him. Even hooked him up with a cigarette or some money on a few occasions. I found out that he pissed off a few of my coworkers this morning, and the people we're talking happen to be friends of mine. When I caught wind of this, it pissed me off, and when I confronted him, he just pissed me the fuck off (and for no reason.) Then, I chased down this asshole in the parking lot that comes in and leaves his stinky shoes in the store and walks out with new shoes - it's not so much the fact that he steals a pair of used army boots, but the fact that he leaves that stinky bomb for others to discover later. I had him halfway back to the store when he decided to not go back inside, and I kid you not, I took an insane amount of restraint from beating the living fuck out of him. Especially after he started shouting "I'll fucking kill you... I'll fucking kill you..." as he ran across the street... I swear, the next time I see that fucker, I'm taking his ass down. I just don't give a fuck. And those were just the two that stand out in my mind - there was also the price-changer that walked into the processing area and I had to all but shove him out of the employee area (who gives a shit if he's walking around with a cane - the guy's a thief.) And several others that aren't even worth mentioning. A part of my 'discrepancy filter' was disabled today - it has to be directly attributed to Friday the 13th. Or, my 150% increase in meds are finally affecting me. I don't give a fuck, as I've stated earlier.
Mr. Lomotil Sir, you are a gem of a human being. My congratulations to the uterus that housed your beautiful incubi. You are certainly working toward earning a pair of angels wings and such a cutting all knowing intelligence makes you a real douce of a royal flush. Congratulations and may heaven decide to give us more of the same ilk!!!!!!!!!!! douche bag
What an excruciatingly eloquent slap acros the cocksucker you have just delivered. my congratulations
After spending the effort needed to decipher both his and your posts (I'm sorry, I just assume that if a person has the chance to preview their post before they actually 'sign their name to it') - then they should have enough help (computer-aided spell check?) to actually present something they wouldn't be ashamed to sign their (albeit, online) name to? For Christ's sake... Dan--I'll send you a copy of the St. Martin's guides to writing if you've lost yours (or sold it back to the bookstore for pennies on the dollar - dumbass.) For fuck's sake - if there's one thing you can learn from the Fugly Forums and apply towards actual life - it's that people judge you on your words. Work on yours, asshole.
I apologize for leaving an s off the word across. Mayhaps I was wrong but it seemed as though Dan was giving you a flowery back handed facetious compliment (more or less). I in turn complimeneted him on the delivery of said slap across you face. The mouth Is the "cocksucker" struck. It was not intended as a reference to your sexuality. No need to go on offense because you can't understand what was said about you. I will try to keep my posts to sentences with monosyllabic words of six letters or less so that you don't take offense to something you can't understand or fathom. Once again I apologizefor upsetting you with writng you can't understand. :frown:
Oh FFS, can't one fuck around in here? I won't try to joke around in here again, seeing as that someone always seems to get their panties in a bunch.