So, my old high school bud drunkenly thinks I'm in trouble...

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Lomotil, Jun 11, 2008.

  1. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Granted, I haven't seen said individual in probably 5-10 years, but he calls me out of the blue Saturday night, drunk as hell, obviously induced by his wife of 8 years or so taking his 2-year old with her to another state to visit her extended family, leaving him alone on their ranch with nothing to do but cope by blowing through half of his ammunition reserves...

    When he first calls, I am trying to close the store, and explain that I'll have to call him back in half an hour or more. In the meantime, I have 4 other people calling me, and work-related business to attend to. By the time I get back to calling him, I'm on my way home from work, and as I'm talking to him, I realize that one of the other friends I was talking to earlier is at my doorstep wanting to hang out for a while.

    Maybe I wasn't specific enough over the phone, or maybe he was too drunk to make sense of it, but I simply told him that "I've got company" and I'll call him back in a bit.

    Apparently he took that the wrong way, and half an hour later, I'm getting a phone call from him doing 100 in his modified Expedition, on his way to my pad, with a loaded, fully-automatic AK-47 on his passenger seat, and a 9mm Glock in his console.

    Oh, and did I mention, he had finished the whole bottle of Sake he opened when he left by the time he got here?

    At any rate, it was a great visit, we got to relive some moments I'm sure he hasn't been able to have ever since he got hitched (and no, Dan, before you get excited in anticipation of any homosexual details, ye should look no further.) It was simply an intoxication joyride, coupled with firearms.

    I like to advertise to my neighbors my 'Zero Tolerance' policy when it comes to confrontations, and I've noticed that I receive fewer petty grievances brought to my attention when I fire the occasional round into the night air (always at the ground, mind you.)

    Not to mention, I'll be getting one of these AK's in a week or so...

    Can't fucking wait. :)
  2. DangerousD

    DangerousD New Member

    I can't think of anyone I knew in highschool that I would want to hangout with that doesn't have a the socket instead of the plug.
  3. DangerousD

    DangerousD New Member

    ...actually I should say went to high school with since I still hang out with a lot of the same people I have known from the old neigborhood.
  4. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    For some reason, I'm not surprised.

    Even throwing the whole socket/plug criteria out the window - I'm still not surprised.
  5. DangerousD

    DangerousD New Member

    There's not many people that want to go back and relive high school. I had a good time but that shits over. The only thing I want to relive about it might be some of the better sex or some of the sex that should have been.
  6. Lyseria

    Lyseria New Member

    The only shit I remember about high school was my Japanese and English classes, the rest of it I pretty much ditched.
  7. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    Lomo, love the Norinco, and I REALLY love the retro foldoing stock kit. Only one better is the retractable metal stock, but those are REALLY hard/rare to find n the Klishnaov. They did and do have them on the AR-15, but remember the brady bill? they were ILLEGAL< very ILLEGAL. but i noticed, when you would goto the range, there was a cotter pin that would make the fiberglass stock no retractable, it was fixed, but after the 5th to 10th round you fired, you would hear "PLINKKKK!!!!" and the cotter pin would shatter... Shucks! Not illegal to have a FIXED stock that was busted;) . the Klishnakov couldn't hjae folding stocks, but you could get the regular Fixed ones, and the pin would lock it open, unless you bought the retro kit. Man the bradey bill was a fucking joke
  8. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    If that's the best defense you have against the obvious truth that none of the people you once knew cared to tolerate you outside of a mandatory classroom setting, I hope someone falls for it.

    Fact of the matter remains, if you acted anywhere near your current 'asshole status,' that you've worked so hard to attain on these forums, in person at your high school, I wouldn't be surprised if your former acquaintances pretended to have never known you.

    And don't fucking even try to pull my leg when it comes to high school sex. If you consider that your 'pinnacle' of sexual experience, I pity you. News flash: Those years are meant for "learning" - you're supposed to gain experience and knowledge that will further your ability to both treat a woman in the manner in which she deserves, and maybe even get your rocks off in the process.

    Perhaps the "Sex that should have been" that you relive when you think back to high school is the "Sex that never will..."

    Think about it.
  9. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    And, for fuck's sake, don't bring my masculinity-laced thread about big-boy toys down with you downtrodden regret of not tagging some high school flame.

    Go and cry about your personal issues on a more appropriate forum. We're talking about adult things in this thread.

    God, you're pathetic.
  10. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Y'kno what I really love?

    The look on your neighbor's faces after you test-fire one in your backyard late at night, and then witness you cleaning it on the patio the day after. It just blatantly advertises the fact that if someone has aspirations to steal your TV, they're taking a huge risk.

    I'll look into the retractable stock... etc... Check your privates... ;)
  11. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    I think the most we do around here is shoot turtles with an SKS. It really works. You just have to aim a little below their heads.
  12. DangerousD

    DangerousD New Member

    another dumb post. good job on the consistency.
  13. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Sometimes I really hate your guts.
  14. DangerousD

    DangerousD New Member

    I'd have to agree you can't really call shooting a turtle hunting or sport. It's more along the lines of torturing an animal for cheap thrills by the intellectually challenged.
  15. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

  16. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Its not hunting, or a sport, its getting turtles out of a pond.

    They F up the pond, kill the fish, and make a general mess of things.

    I sell the shells to smurf for helmets.
  17. BullGod666

    BullGod666 Member

    It would not be considered torture because the turtle, theoreticaly, dies instantly. I think it would be considered senseless violence resulting in the demise of a poor defenseless animal for cheap thrills by the intellectually challenged.
  18. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Its not torturing, its a lot quicker than the patients you will kill.


    The intellectually challenged? Really? You who thinks you can cook mad cow out of a hamburger or steak?
  19. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Oh, you get one thing right and now you're a smart guy.
  20. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Couldn't you catch them and not kill them? Do I need to start a refuge?

    And killing the fish... I guess you want them alive so that you can kill them?

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