Intentionally drove off road Bizarre scene in canyon crash The Salt Lake Tribune Article Last Updated: 06/09/2008 11:02:00 AM MDT The Salt Lake County Sheriff's Office is investigating a bizarre incident in which two men allegedly crashed their vehicle in Little Cottonwood Canyon on Saturday and squirted blood at rescue workers who tried to help them out of the wreckage. Emergency personnel responded to an accident reported in the canyon to find a vehicle upside down, said Lt. Paul Jaroscak of the Salt Lake County Sheriff's Office. When rescue workers tried to reach the men inside the vehicle, they started using broken glass from windows to slash their wrists and then "threw blood" at law enforcement, Jaroscak said. Law enforcement removed one of the men from the vehicle. The other man became "combative" and was tasered by police before being taken into custody, Jaroscak said. Both men, whose names and ages were not released, were transported to an area hospital in serious condition. Investigators were trying to determine whether the incident was a suicide attempt because the men intentionally drove off the road, Jaroscak said. He said it's likely drugs and intoxication played a role in the behavior of the two men.
Here are a couple links to the story: Neither one mentions anything about them being Muslim or gay. Where did you get that information?
Oh my dear god......It burns my eyes! As for the story....I was too impatient to wait for the links to load. I say, tazer them again and throw them off the cliff a few more times. With bowling balls.
If they were straight white guys it would have been mentioned. So there must be something wrong with them.
Cause they were nuts. Anti-establishment types. The likes that would try to burn down the governors mansion