Please put on your detective hats and help me find the creators of this video. There's a case of beer in it for the first person to find them.
Here's another version, posted much earlier than the first one:
Possibly this is Ben, and he lists his domain as fuelslut.NET, not com. Registrant: Fuel Slut 22000 Yellow Brick Road Apt. 3000 Orlando, FL 32821 US 407-867-5309 I think I win.
Probably, I was too busy wishing I had a case of beer. .....or the legal age in which to buy some.. .........or the money.....
I remember some guys doing similar stuff on a red chevy pickup, then it went off the road hit a phone pole and shot the two assholes across a driveway and into some dudes yard. Fucking hilarious.
I thought it looked like someone I knew that lived in KY. But on the second video I could tell it was not. I guess doing a whois of is a no brainer.
Link to the Google video page, since the flash video doesn't allow you to click through:
Ah fuck. I know the difference and I don't usually mess it up. .......and none taken you son of a bitch. I actually hate the young comments, I didn't choose my age, thanks. I know VERY well the difference between you're and your, I usually am the one to correct others...just kind of side tracked. Sorry.