My spazzy stalker

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by D, Nov 17, 2001.

  1. D

    D New Member

    I was gonna do this properly but Im a bit pissed (drunk for te yanks) so here it is...

    1, spazzer made a a completly fabricated story up about how she was super sexy...

    2, I, like a lot of other people didnt believe her and she seemed to take it personally (especially form me )

    3, she changed her a name to spazzer with not enough vowels

    4, she took a liking to me {shudders} and changed her name to something resembling mine

    5, she went away for a while and then came back as... Clam and she IS a complete retard...

    History of events: Supersxy

    You join the 'converstation' (there more- messagesleftwhenwearentonatthesametimeassheistooscaredtotalktome) when I think She doesnt want to talk to me as she ignored me... her icq was on at this time so I dont know why she lied...

    Me: well, yes coz you name is supersxy...

    ohhh... did you not wanna talk?

    me: oh well... i have to scoot... gotta go work.... we can catch up later if ya want

    Her: yeah of course i wanted to talk but i turned icq off while i was doing something else.....shame we missed each again soon

    Then when I got back from the pub I put my computor on and saw some little cunt had some vendetta against me... This is the message I got after my internet cut off... it was sent at 1:11 am and I was cut off at about 5 past (when I came back on, she must have gone to bed or was still lurking around with it set to 'Appear Off line')

    Her: Its me clam...god r u sure you can actualy work a computer you seem far to stupid to even breathe let alone work one?

    She is right there as I get my pet retard, Ron to do everything for me... you know computors, cooking wiping my arse, replying to her messages...

    Now you dirty fucking lesbian... If you wanna fuck me I dont mind... I have no problem with my sexuality. I am gonna settle down with a man but a bit of harmless sex with girls is fine...

    Just contact me on my icq... and once Iv seen a pic ( ) I MIGHT consider letting you shag me...
  2. ssb

    ssb New Member

    LMFAO oh my little long did it take you to write that lot out..and when i said i wasnt on icq it might have been on but i was more than likely afk.You thick cunt.
    Theres only 1 reason i change my name and thats to confuse you coz you seem to be unable to click on my profile and look at my other posts and realise who i actually am.Only time you know who i am is if i either tell you or give you an extremly big clues..and dont flatter yourself i'm certainly not your stalker...that would imply that i think you r i just like to post on here when i have a spare 5 mins and you are the biggest cunt on the board so its normaly u i type to.
    You wanna talk to me on icq or even fuck me dont worry Dawn we will be online at the same time at some point and then we can talk.

  3. D

    D New Member

    Fair enough... Im on now... and I was on when you sent that post... so put you icq on
  4. D

    D New Member

    oh... I don't look at peoples profile coz Im not that bothered about knowing them.

    The people that I talk to from here made the first move... I dont have a problem if they wanna talk to talk to me, they are cool... and I think most of them realise Im not a stupid dumb bitch afetr they talk to me... maybe...

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