<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Sed Bitchslapicus: ...after 7 good whacks, you should mount it on the wall...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sounds like the doggerel that allegedly circulated after Lizzie Borden made a name for herself: "Lizzie Borden took an axe And gave her mother forty whacks When she saw what she had done She gave her father forty-one"
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Kitana claimed: no he can do it, he's done it to other ppl b4 (ruining credit records, "making" them lose drivers license)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> OK, I'll bite: just precisely how does he allegedly do that, from your direct observations or his hearsay? I'm thinking the easy & most obvious method to the former is even more easily rectified by the victim, but I don't want to prompt you. And I'm drawing a blank on the latter.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Emetic: i wont go into the credit card thing anymore. i dont feel safe. no, he can make me lose my driver's license. Actually, anyone can make me lose my driver's license. It's a circumstance thing, i gotta get reviewed every year to see if i can keep my license. Law to keep psychos out of cars.
LOL - in other words, you didn't appear for your last mandatory annual review, and are currently driving on an expired provisional license - and likely no insurance, either - and all that needs to happen is for *someone* to tip off the Hellsville police to pay *special* attention to any 20ish Hispanic female behind the wheel of a given make/model/color of car with license# ____. OK, I'm done with this subject. Remain a victim to that cumstain. - you've worked hard enough at it so far.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Taken out of context from Emetic's post: ...an expired provisional license - and likely no insurance, either...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I've been without either for almost two years...
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by kitana: ooh! are you gonna use your infamous baseball bat??? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ...swiing like Joe Demaggio and rip him a new A-hole...
Well, I can only applaud proactive decisiveness, and would offer this suggestion: Use the first swing to the head (~60% of max.force) only to stun and temp'ly weaken, so you can more easily deliver the main payload: first, kneecap the subject with 100% blows (both legs) to totally immobilize, then on each hand, break both the thumb and forefinger (20% blows should do - those snap relatively easily). Subject will be completely helpless, requiring medical help for transport to the hospital for treatment/cast application. Will be bedridden for 2-3 days, then wheelchair bound for at least 4-6 weeks, during which time subject won't even be able to unzip for a piss without assistance, much less wipe their own ass after a dump. Keyboarding activities, too, will be pretty much out of the question, unless subject deems tolerable the pain of hunting & pecking with ring fingers/pinkies. IOW, subject will enjoy a much-needed and extended period of uninterrupted meditation.