I disagree on several points. The site's been around in some form or another since at least '98, so it's no webby-come-lately - and probably predates F.COM, otherwise Martin woulda nabbed that domain name, too, when he launched. Despite the green motif in color, the design itself is basic but clean & effective, quick-loading & organized. Content-wise, it's a one-trick pony of graphical humor - that's it. Nothing wrong with that. How can you put a fresh slant on making fun of goofy-looking people? And the pictures' accompanying prose is rather literate and entertaining, IMO - kept me reading beyond the second or third sentence of any page...unlike Chris Davies' sad DARK_ANAL_ACCESS.NET. That wanker couldn't even be fucked to run his lame shit thru a spell-checker first, much less exercise any initiative or skill with Photoshop.
Fugly.net has been around for ages. It is not a ripoff of anything. Although his recent re-design shares a similar color scheme with ours, it is in no way a ripoff of Fugly.com. The guy that runs it is very cool and I have spoken to him on the telephone. Please do not harass him, but do go check out his site. There are some very funny things on there. -Martin
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally preached YoMamazAGreasyMoFo: Look at THIS piece of shit, folks...... http://www.fugly.net<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> you speak the devine truth!.. its shit! i dont think he stole anything from f.c but i dont thinnk he did any research into the name either...
Okay, thanks for clearing that, Martin. (Maybe I had better call off the gift from http://www.doodoo.com now).
Sod it if your post some shit at least know where its coming from And it gotta be packaged nice. for more got dogpoo