I am the leading poster of these forums and would like to welcome you under my wing. I can help you with some of the other less than savory posters as a prominent pillar of this forum community. Let me direct you and guide you to a state of higher living through fugly forum browsing. Thank you and I look forward to working with each and every one of you in the days, weeks, and years to come.
We all appreciate you taking up the GrimJesus slack in filling the massive sucking stupidity void and preventing a possible massive implosion.
Nah, dan is to self involved to be a redneck, that and the fact that he pays to see boobies. Dan is more like the kid that was adopted by the pedaphile, who made him believe all the rapings was his fault. "am i not good enough, am i too fat....?" were the words that dan usually cried himself to sleep muttering.
Is it just me or does nobody else get it either? Maybe it's some sort of institutionalised boarding school wit? Don't get me wrong - i'm sure it would have the whole dorm in stitches.
The only reason you can spell it right is because you have to write it down every time you move into a new trailer home and have to re-register.....