Unless you have a rich therapist for a daddy to bail you out. All the kids I smoked weed with had asshole fathers...kinda like you!
here Fernando, here is evidence to your cause http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAgY1uj5hAs&NR=1 Fuck that guy, he is an impacted anus, and he is selling glass also
he sales glass, I assume as a retailer, not a manufacturer, because i have never seen him, or his work before. I deal with a ton of retailers, and 90% are mellow, just want to make a buck or two. then there is the other 10% of cock garglers like this.
I couldn't watch the whole thing. Men who wear tank tops gross me the fuck out for some reason. I could almost smell his Brut cologne and B-O through the screen.
I'm the nice guy here fucko. I may finish last, but that's just because I'm too lazy to try any damn harder.