I have to have blood filter installed, then the surgery is tomorrow. for the few of you that care, you ca ncall me today after 3 PM, then tomorrow my brother will be answering my phone answering all calls
We're a healthy crew, aren't we? I don't normally have good feelings, but I think Dwaine is going to be okay. I just have a feeling that he is. I have to call after 7PM because Sprint sucks. I woulda called Sunday, but I didn't think you would have wanted to hear me shit piss. Well, then again, maybe you might've.
I am really torn about Dwaines surgery. On the one hand, I hope he makes it because he is really a cool guy and we would all miss him. On the other hand, he said I could have his queen sized bed at the Fulgy clubhouse if he dies on the table. I am tired of sleeping under bedwetting Harlan in the bunks, so the queen bed option is very appealing. I guess I go with thinking happy thoughts about Dwaine so that he wakes up after surgery. Maybe I can neogiate a better sleeping arrangement later.
Anyone know anything? I called the day before he went in and my phone was being retarded (it's been dropped too many times and the battery has to be taken in and out so I can hear) and he yelled at me that he would call me back in 10 min and I never heard back from him.
I called all the funeral homes in North Carolina, and no one has ordered an oversized casket this week. I am pretty sure that's a good sign that Dwaine is OK.
Glad to see you're still stealing oxygen. Thanks for checking in finally. Pukey's been all lathered up trying to get your status. Don't string her along like that - she surely will reprimand you for that. Hope you get better soon. - Der Major
I have been concerned. I didn't get the call back and didn't want to bother anyone, so for I checked the obits online for a while.
Err, no. I decided a long time ago that driving a 16 lane psychedelic superhighway with 20 ton juggernauts of seratonin through your brain at full throttle wasn't very beneficial, really. Which is why i thought you should try it. I prefer meandering along winding, bumpy country roads with rainbows, happy bunnies, smiley flowers and penis-mushroomy things. It was just the religiosity of the Easter weekend with all the wine and wafers overcame me and filled me with fond thoughts for Dwaine's colon, i think.
Sorry, that happened with a lot of people, when they call, the nurse, nurses aid, sergeon, patient advocate, ect, just pop in. Im still in severe pain. Im not posting my shit here, but you can PM or call me (my phone is somewhere) and Ill answer questions