I just stumbled on this after clicking on one of the fugly google ads. The only I have ever clicked on by the way. It asks for an e-mail after a a few songs but I'm sure you probably have the extra e-mail account where you have all your spam sent. It's free. So far so good with this thing. http://www.jango.com
What you do is type in one band and then it automatically picks other bands to play on the radio in addition to the band you picked that it thinks you might like. The good thing you can just keep clicking to go onto the next song if you don't like. All Free with no commercials. I guess they make their money by having a button you can click to buy the song. You can create as many new radio stations as you want just by typing in a particular band.
retty cool site,I like the ability to skip songs and really customize the type of music you want.I tried Spiral Frog for a while but there was a limited amount of selectionand you had to renew every month.This is much better just turn it on and there is a nice mix.
Sad to see that your "Doctor guise" has lost all it's steam and you're reduced to spamming message boards with links that give you a few cents to pay the bills. Here's my advice for any shadow of a man... Get a life. No. On second thought... Do us all a favor. Have someone videotape (and I do mean "tape") your pathetic self running through Harlem yelling "NIGGERS!" and have your friend sell copies. I'd sure as hell buy one.
Dude. I am not interested. Get off my jock. I am not gay. I am not impressed. Go find someone gay. Thank you very much. Seriously.
I'm not a big glenn miller fan but I have found that creating a station by typing in glen miller plays the best songs. Old time classics including blues, jazz, and swing. You should try it.