You filthy racist pig. So you have to be Muslim to be a terrorist? How assumptive and sterotypical. Nursey terrifies me whether she is Muslim or not. Hell, I'm not even sure she is a she, and that is fairly terrifiying. You terrify me Dwaine, and you aren't a Muslim. In fact, you are probably a born again backslidden Christian. Admit it Dwaine - you repented of your sins at age 7, and were Baptised a few days later. I bet you tried to stop Masturbating at 15 becuasue you thought that Jesus was going to come back and catch you wanking. Heck, I bet you still secretly pray when you see blue lights in the rearview, and when you see the brethren in the liquor store you just pretend like you are looking for a lost dog. Oh, and Obama and Hilary terrify me, and neither are Muslim. Or so they say. So there.
We are already aware of Mr PEEKER. You are on the watch list too. Surprisingly, you will probably be arrested first.
I live on the edge. I don't even plan my pantie-wear as far ahead as tomorrow. But recent technological advances should help settle the great "Nursey - bombs or 'granny pants'?" debate once and for all.
I bet they chip you first Nursey. As a matter of fact, I bet they are already working to design a special custom made chip for you. It will have your picture on it, and will look like this -
Those are supposedly authentic wicked witch of the west panties. more:
Actually, it was the alarms in the shopping center a couple blocks away that went off first. I'm detracting from my own house's property value? GOOD. It'll keep the fucking taxes lower. And as far as the people that want some peace and quiet when they go home? They lost that privilege when they let their fucking rugrats run rampant outside, yelling and screaming when I used to study.
Not if homes in the area are selling high or there is new construction. The county just makes up a price. My house 'value' went up almost 10k in one year. This is how the Board of Education is getting the money to do billions in renovations. It's BS.
Well it's that kind of logic that makes being lower middle class to poor suck. Not only can you not buy what you want but your neighbors are dumbasses who don't give a shit about anyone but themselves. I'm sure their little kids don't go screaming and yelling at 3 am as they are in bed asleep. That is until you wake them up.