Nah. Believe it or not you don't even come close to qualifying for a person I would like to give a beat down to. As a matter of fact you don't even register on the radar at all.
Good, I hate being on your radar. On a different note, what do you suggest for a sty? I've been doing the obvious stuff (hot compress), I'm hoping it's not a chalazion...
The last resort is a doctor slitting it open and draining it which probably wouldn't be such a big deal but compared to hot compresses it would be. sty chalazion
don't let Schmed lie to you. He got lippy a few nights back, was drinking tequila and Malt liquor, and busted him in the fucking eye.
So you would like us to 'shack up' together after having used some sort of regressional therapy to access the innocent child within me? Sounds like someone is struggling to deal with the 'intimidating' aspects of adult sexuality! This is a classic symptom of childhood abuse, as it happens. If a traumatic event occurs which is too intensely harrowing for the victim to assimilate at the time - it causes an aspect of their development to be stunted...frozen in a type of suspended animation, if you will. In this case, the traumatising event is in relation to your sexuality. The innocent, little child in you (which is currently frozen in a decades old silent scream...the scar your toothless, step-great grandmother inflicted on your soul the day she furiously sucked your first, virginal emission from your tender, young loins, before cackling "you can't teach granny how to suck eggs!") is what you appear to revert back to whenever you feel an urge for coitus. This explains your desire to be intimately involved with a 'nice, little sweet' girl'. Anything over the age of about twelve will be too sexually advanced for you to deal with. I bet that's exactly what Granny said. And whoever interfered with her development. And so on. The only way to stop this endless cycle of abuse is for Dan to face his demon. Relive the nightmare in detail and *embrace* it. Grab granny's head by the ears and fuck it. Now, Dan. Your manhood depends on it.
My grandmother had over one thousand people at her funeral when she died at the age of 86 even after many of her friends were dead. It made the headlines of the small town paper. People loved her. She was born in 1886. She would make up stories and tell them to us. She wasn't rich but lived in a small town in a small house the widow of a small town family doctor druing the WW I and II eras. During the WW I,II, and vietnam she wrote to soldiers in the war from her county and published their letters in the small town paper. It was called the service star. During the depression she would give out odd jobs for people in exchange for making sandwiches. When we were kids she would take us fishing. She had always fished and went on many fishing trips. The cabin on the river I have posted previously was built by my grandfather. She used to take the little elementary school kids to the cabin for fishing field trips. She also wrote a historical book on her county as well as the history of steamboats in the area and in wikipedia is noted as one of the most distiguished people to have come from that county. Western Kentucky University has kept alot of the histories she has written. No one from either side of my family has ever gotten a divorce. Do you think if you died today over 1,000 people would come to your funeral?
So what you're saying is that your Grandma "furiously sucked your first, virginal emission from your tender, young loins, before cackling "you can't teach granny how to suck eggs!" during the fishing trips?
No I'm saying that Nursey probably wasn't abused by her stepfather but her little brother probably got his "first, virginal emission from your tender, young loins sucked" by big sis
Funny thing about facts. Facts have more weight an ant hill size fact just takes a mountian of bullshit and blows it away. But wasn't this a Prince post?
Let me be sure that I've got this straight. So, Grandmother was a pathological liar. So, she promoted truancy and molested kids in the woods. Because they would still be related, so whats the point? Yes, and 980 of them would pee on my grave. Yes, your Grandmother.
I know you are so what am I ??? You know what, you know what, I'm not lame, YOUR lame. Yeah, that's it. YOUR Lame. Yeah, thats it. Sticks out tounge, waggles thumb on nose, makes bug eyes, etc etc. Like this - By the way, Nursey was right wasn't she?
A very smart person once told me, "Don't poke the crazy." And that's not directed at either one of you as advice, nor any kind of a warning. Just keep it in mind. Don't poke at the crazy. Life will be a lot easier.
"Don't poke the crazy." Good advice. So you are shutting down the Forum? By the way, here is a "Pokemenot"