your views on the NAU

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by fagnut, Feb 11, 2008.

  1. fagnut

    fagnut New Member

    NAU - a continental union between mexico , canada and usa ! it's been in plans in the bush administration for a while now and it has surfaced to the media and this is stirring general public concern among many .. ! so are you for or against this unity or not ? and why ?

    i think it's a really smart idea.. it will solve alot of problems....! we will have cheap labor from mexico .. cheap hookers from mexico .. cheap tacos from mexico .. cheap drugs from mexico ..sheep from mexico .... and from the north we'll get canadian beer and maple syrup.. . and we will expand to be a great nation, under one currency , one president, one people and one love! mexico and canada are nothing but farms , bases and storage room for usa .. where we store canadians and mexicans and only take them out when we need them !
  2. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Look at China, and all the oil rich nations. America’s enemies feed off of America like parasites. Mexico is not our enemy. Mexico I think has the capability to may all the little plastic trinkets that China currently does. And do so cheaper logistically at least. So WTF are we buying crap from China for? Look if the Mexican economy were near that of say Canada, we would have about as many Mexican immigrants as we have Canadian immigrants.

    Think about it. ;)

    I have no idea about the NAU though.
  3. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    having cheap workers will kill the economy and destroy the middle classes, exactly what has been planned for us.
  4. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

  5. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    I predicted that the last 4 unions would merge, in a musings and philisophical rantings thread I put up when I first came back here.
  6. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Now you're drifting off and being led once again instead of using your own judgment.

    Look at real motive here we have motive to basically protect socialist dictators you cannot tie up in a nice little package a theory that it was planned all along to take out Chavez. So that ideally the moron down South gets to behave as badly as he likes without any retribution whatsoever because if there is then "Hey look we knew it all along it was an evil plan by the secret neovandabuildohemians" You want to be concerned about an oppressed people them be concerned about the Venezuelans. You want to see jack booted thugs then look no further than the Venezuelan army.

    I have a better theory it goes like this "Russia, China, and other communist interest under the cover of secrecy against the world are conspiring to create a wealthy communist empire south of the U.S. utilizing the media and the dumbing down of the masses by the public socialization system or better know aka public education system. More accurately the public indoctrination system. They have convinced the people that despite over whelming evidence that a moron is being propped up to control Venezuela for communist interest. It is no big deal and what should be feared is the evil Capitalist who have conspired in dark, secret, smoke filled conference rooms to take Hugo down. blah blah blah blah.

    I think I will start practicing my best "Rod Serling" and spend hours writing scripts backed by pictures and video cuts and make my own dialog. Eventually I will manipulate the control of the world! Muhahahaha!!!

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