hmm... seems he censors 'em before he puts them up on his site... wonder if he'll put these ones up? 11/6/01 6:17:41 PM Your Name : Pimp~fucha-Tookee What did you think about the site? : wow.. you teach people to make websites.. does that contain a section on stealing other peoples graphics.. -------------------------- 11/6/01 6:06:46 PM Your Name : Martin Felcher What did you think about the site? : You ripped off most of the images from to make this lame ass site. You suck and you deserve to be assfucked with a broken bottle. Please go kill yourself. Your eMail or Website : Were are you from : America, you stupid idiot.
Yeah he put em up. I didn't bother signing myself though sorry Martin. Was blinded by boredome. Why do you care?
11/6/01 7:05:40 PM Your Name : YoMamazAGreasyMoFo What did you think about the site? : Stupid prick. I can't really think of anything more creative to say than that (and judging by the website, neither can you). Your eMail or Website : Were are you from : I will tell you where I am now... in your mom's bed, ass-fisting her rotting corpse!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11/6/01 6:45:13 PM Your Name : PinkorBrown69 What did you think about the site? : Lameass wannabe fuckstick! What a poor excuse of a shity rip-off! You and this site suck. Your eMail or Website : YOUR @ CUNT Were are you from : YOUR @ CUNT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11/6/01 6:43:54 PM Your Name : SSB What did you think about the site? : Your web site will die very quickly coz its so shit..lets hope it takes u longer to die u cunt. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11/6/01 6:17:41 PM Your Name : Pimp~fucha-Tookee What did you think about the site? : wow.. you teach people to make websites.. does that contain a section on stealing other peoples graphics.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11/6/01 6:06:46 PM Your Name : Martin Felcher What did you think about the site? : You ripped off most of the images from to make this lame ass site. You suck and you deserve to be assfucked with a broken bottle. Please go kill yourself. Your eMail or Website : Were are you from : America, you stupid idiot.
Although it is funny...He ripped off Fugly, and still insists on putting on his links page....It's kind of like sending a child-support check to the mother of a baby you just murdered.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11/6/01 8:28:09 PM Your Name : Nicodemus What did you think about the site? : You've GOT to be fucking kidding me. Jesus, I've never seen a more pathetic attempt at a blatant rip-off! If you absolutely MUST maintain this delusion that you are some kind of cutting edge, hardcore webmaster, at least take the dick out of your mouth long enough to come up with your own page layout instead of (badly) theiving somebody else's hard work and taking credit for it. Fuck's sake, even Martin's not that lazy. Your eMail or Website : Were are you from : New Orleans -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stupid twat. Guess he thought nobody would pick up on his smooth moves.
Might as well post here before he/she deletes it: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11/7/01 12:14:40 AM Your Name : The Reverend Bitchslap What did you think about the site? : My! What a wonderful site! I just wonder... with a webpage this nice on the web... It just makes me wonder what other sites the webmastur visits for inspiration... Have you considered adding a custom java-based dictionary page to your site? People could have access to definitions of words that might come to mind while browsing your fine site... Words like: Xerox, Plaugerism, Carbon-copy, Theft, Fascimilie, Rapaciousness, Thievery, Burglary, Fraud, Peculation... I could go on, but I'm sure you can find some more words online for which to include. Your eMail or Website : LoMoOwNzJoO@fUgLy.CoM Were are you from : It's times like these that I enjoy a non-static IP.
Some of the other guestbook entries are right on par with the webmastur himself... Stupid fucks. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6/27/01 2:15:39 PM Your Name : heather What did you think about the site? : i thought it was sooooo funny the jokes made me laugh especially apples and oranges and warming up supper i think anyone who doesn't like this website are morons Your eMail or Website : Were are you from : bellshill ( glasgow ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6/22/01 9:11:24 PM Your Name : Liam Nicklin What did you think about the site? : I think the site is cool, new, and well i got the idea to build a site from this site "check mine out and KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK Your eMail or Website : Were are you from : Hull ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note the email addresses. Also, note the YahooID: darkaccessuk On the bottom of the sidebar...
Daft Twat removed my entry. Oh but he'll leave all your insults in there. I guess he doesn't like being called a lanky sreak of shit across his papa's bell end.
He's also no fun in yahoo chat either..god he doesn't even like it up his ass..what sort of freak is he???
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by i used to wank but i dont now: He's also no fun in yahoo chat either..god he doesn't even like it up his ass..what sort of freak is he???<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hmmm, a stupid, unoriginal jackass who pretends to be something he's not in order to gain acceptance with people he doesn't know... Kitana, I think we may have found the perfect man for you. Don't worry, I doubt he's ever had sex either so you can lie to each other all you want about how hardcore you are and nobody will ever be the wiser!
Okay, all the personal info I can find on this loser (by IMC Ventura,yes I am better than skunkman) is registered: Christopher Davies 14 Twickenham Way Chippenham, Wiltshire sn15 1tf UK Davies, Christopher Chippenham, Wiltshire sn15 1tf UK 07887826813 Billing Contact: Davies, Christopher Chippenham, Wiltshire sn15 1tf UK 07887826813 he has a very shitty webpage too... Im not really sure what its about though: here is his Yahoo account : well thats enough useless info on a useless person
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by IMC Ventura: well thats enough useless info on a useless person<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Although I tend to agree with you there, IMC, I just had to know what all that Praetorian Guard bullshit was about. The best I can figure out is that it's some sort of online Mech Warrior role playing game. It seems that these "guilds" originally formed on AOL (big surprise) and have set themselves up in imaginary regiments which mimic the structure of the Imperial bodyguards of the Roman Empire. (Another big surprise. Doesn't this guy have a single original idea?) Jesus, that's sad. The amount of time those sorry fuckers put into that bullshit... Doesn't anyone play D & D anymore???
Old Chris davies sent me some email... maybe Ill post it... Maybe not... He isn't happy about me posting his home addy and phone number
He also deleted all of our guestbook entries, and called us morons, basically saying martin stole all his content