Any of you ever have a flashback? I just listened to all 20 minutes of Iron Butterfly's "In a godda da vida", including the endless drum solo. I swear I had a flashback. My Dad owned a Carwash in the late 60's, and most everyone he hired was a stoner hippie with a Volkwagen minivan. I was maybe 10 or 11 years old, and used to work on Saturdays keeping the towels washed and folded. We would all sit in the hippie wagons during breaks and listen to 60's rock. They would all get stoned, and I watched. I didn't know what a contact high was until years later. Anyway, I just spent about 20 minutes there again. Really strange.
So you're saying when you should have been going to boy scout camp, hanging out at the pool or playing t-ball your old man had you working in a car wash and watching a bunch of stoners get high? To quote Dr. Phil How does that make you feel?
I don't think there is such a thing as a flashback from whatever contact buzz you got from your dad's hippie friends. I had a friend named Jason who dumped liquid acid in a shot of Jack Daniels and tricked me into drinking it once. That guy, last I heard, is a crack-head. Anyway, I don't think you can have a flashback from weed. Have you ever done LSD? You'll never be the same after that crap. On a lighter note, Steve Jobs says that he'd never have succeeded if he hadn't taken acid when he was younger.
most acid i ever took was a 1/3rd of a vial. I was "tricked" \into it. It was an interesting weekend. and a CRAZY 6 hours out the gate.
I also have a memory that comes to mind with that song. We were 14 or 15 and back then there were certain liquor stores that sold alcohol to underage kids. In particular there was a drive through downtown. We had sneaked out and took our parents 66 buick with a couple of friends and drove it out to somebodies farm and were sitting on the top of the hood drinking beers listening to Iron butterfly on the radio. That was our big night out. You couldn't pay me to listen to that song now and if I ever have kids the car keys are going to be locked up after they hit age 11.
He taught me how to work. Today it makes me feel wealthy. It also taught me not to do drugs. You would have benefited from both lessons I suspect.
LSD is a terrible drug and it only takes the one 'bad trip' to convince you of that and that's all I am going to say about it. Overdosing on dramamine (because you were told it is like tripping on acid) is also another terrible thing to do... you will end up convulsing. And no, you can't flashback on marijuana and I personally don't believe in contact buzzes.
I had a flashback the other day. I was walking along one of the most central points in the city when it suddenly triggered the memory of a dream i'd had which was set in the area. But that was immediately followed with a flood of memories of loads of other dreams i've had in this city over the years, all coming to mind one after another and interconnecting in my waking state like a sprawling subconscious network encompassing a vast area being superimposed over my waking state as walked along the street. But nothing to do with drugs.
This thread reminds me of one of the funniest southpark episodes: die hippie die or in this case die ucicare die
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The only flashback I have ever had is occasionally if I sit still long enough and stare at the wall or ceiling it will start 'breathing'. Other than that nothing really.
I've had this happen on occasion and sometimes when I'm driving or riding and I pass a bunch of parked cars lined up on the side of the road I'll swear I see one pull up a little bit, I'll do a double take and it's still in line with all of the rest of the cars. I wouldn't go so far as to call it a flashback but it is weird as hell.
Yep. That would be about the best way to describe it. And those days are almost, uh, 20 years behind me. Roughly 18 or so.