Update on Fugly threads 2-10-2008

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by TheUpdater, Feb 10, 2008.

  1. TheUpdater

    TheUpdater New Member

    As a service to Fugly.com, you no longer have to sift through tons of new threads. I will update you daily on the latest fugly threads.

    Old School Give me a fucking break... (Tom Hanks)

    thread summary:who fucking cares what the hell you think about some gay washed up actor? maybe if he was hairy as your mom some people will care.

    Fugly Regular Okay since this place is so dead I am going to start a new game called guess which

    thread summary:fuck your dad and the whore that gave birth to him. You want a pic of a regular fugly posters? imagine how a bowl of of shat from a burrito surprise. that plus a teaspon of ugly is what the site owners look like harlanT45.jpg

    good god

    Fugly Regular FAKER!!!!

    thread summary: I'm glad your boyfriend showed you how to use google between ass raming lessons
  2. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    Jesus H. Christ! Did you not get spooned by your gay lover last night?
  3. TheUpdater

    TheUpdater New Member

    if I wanted to hear some a skank I talk to my mom. What goes on between me and lance is our business dipshit
  4. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    Dan, are you drunk again?
  5. TheUpdater

    TheUpdater New Member

    I took it from the ass from dan this morning so he is still sleeping. fucking skank whore
  6. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    Wow thats fucking retarded.. we have a link that takes us to 'New Posts' the feature is built into the forum.
  7. TheUpdater

    TheUpdater New Member

    what a fucking douche. howzabout a button that will get you laid?
  8. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    I have one at my house. It's called a clitoris.
  9. TheUpdater

    TheUpdater New Member

    jesus mary and joeseph. Barry=dr phil wannabe
    dr phil=unlicensed feces
    es muy verdad

    i gnew his wife had to be a machine. i doubt a female would want ucicare 2 inch painstick to give her gonnorea and warts. speaking of greasy wart ridden assface, tell your mom to get the fuck out of my house. god dam slut attracts all the horseflies
  10. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    That's gonorrhea, asshat. Doesn't your trailer have a dictionary in it or something?
  11. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Zing!!! :biggrin:
  12. TheUpdater

    TheUpdater New Member

    well if anyone would know the correct spelling...it would be you

    I sometimes dress in women's clothes because I have a tiny penis.
  13. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    If we wanted "The Fugly Minute" - we'd ask for it.

    If you want to comment on a specific thread, I encourage you to take your lazy ass and coordinate the necessary motor skills needed to click on the "Reply" button (conveniently placed at the end of each thread), and express your malcontent in the appropriate section.


    That's why it's a thread.

    The whole point of a thread is to generate responses and opinions from those whom read it. You appear to have missed that memo. When someone starts a thread, it's intention is clear - it is only to produce responses from others that have something substantial to contribute to the discussion. Granted, most of the time, discussions tend to drift from the subject at hand, but even so - there is always some sort of continuum within each thread.

    Point being - nobody may care about what the hell you, or even I, think. For the record, I could probably care less. This doesn't mean that others can't express their opinions in the thread, and it certainly doesn't mean that I couldn't care less about them. The point is that people can express them, if only for their own satisfaction of thinking that their voice has been heard by complete strangers. Oh, and by the way... Go fuck yourself.

    Feel free to join us in our aggressive banter. Express an opinion, if you dare, and we'll happily shoot it down...
  14. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    Don't hate because I have an ed-jew-kay-shion!
  15. Fugly

    Fugly Administrator Staff Member Fugly Staff

    Updater: You're minutes away from being banned. Don't come in here and start acting like an asshole right off the bat. Post something interesting or do something to contribute quickly or you're out of here.
  16. TheUpdater

    TheUpdater New Member

    I'm sorry. I love the cock is my problem. My Dad played with my sphincter as a child and I loved it.

    Please be my friend. I am only here because I need attention. I'll do anything to get people to pay attention to me.

    Did I mention that I love to suck cock?
  17. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    Someone needs to get out into the sunshine a little more.
  18. Fugly

    Fugly Administrator Staff Member Fugly Staff

    Bye asshole.
  19. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Quick! You might want to respond to those posts directly referencing you before the ban takes place... C'mon - show us you've got some gumption to back up your empty criticism...

    Did I mention how pathetic you are?

    Let's see... I'll register a username for the explicit purpose of bitching about other's posts...

    Hmmm... Now that I think about it, you just might fit in here...
  20. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Oooooops! Nevermind.

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