I can honestly say that I don't know of more than about 8 people on that list... But I can take issue with the following comment: It's been tried and tested, and proven to be true. If you lower the financial 'penalty' of actually turning a profit by not penalizing those whom can, you DO stimulate the economy, in the form of new jobs and increased fiscal budgets (which provide the opportunity for more jobs, and higher wages). This, in turn, stimulates the economy, which earns these companies more money (A pet peeve that I will never understand about people, why they resent those that are better off than they are) - which, taxed at an even lower rate than when they weren't doing as well, generates more TOTAL tax revenue. This isn't quantum physics, people. If I have to break it down, I will: Let's say that you offer candy for sale to school kids in one of those "exploit your children" schemes that most people allow their kids to be taken advantage in. Let's set the price of a single candy bar at $1.00, and take out 25% of the total sales (pretend this is the 'tax burden' portion of the whole business entrepreneurship) At a dollar a candy bar, not many people are going to buy one, so let's say you sell a whopping ten candy bars. 10 X (25% of $1) = $2.50. That's your total "tax revenue" for this attempt. Let's imagine that the government lowers taxes to 20%, and as such, you can feasibly lower your overhead, and at the same time, the price of the candy to 75 cents a bar, and you end up selling far more at that price, because, of course, most people aren't as willing to spend a dollar for a fucking candy bar. You end up selling twice as many candy bars, and the taxes you've earned the government are more than the previous scenario... 20 X (20% of $0.75) = $3.00 Supply and demand, people. Add less government intervention, and you can't say with a straight face that tax revenue will suffer. If I need to provide references, then you're a lost fucking cause.
So when are you running for office? I am with you 100%, of course I am still a big fan of the consumption tax.....
I ma a FIRM believer in raising Sin tax to pay for socialized medicine. People will continue to buy tobacco, tobacco accessories, Booze, and porno no matter what the price is. Plus these people are the ones who will need healthcare so it's an investment in there own future.
Because voting i bullshit, and means nothing. If it wee a true one ma, one vote democracy, then I would start voting again. Also it makes a public record of where you live, so cops, detectives, bondsmen etc can trace you down easier.
Lomotil there is another illustration that you may be very familiar with. Cost of higher education. And the interesting point is the spin that is used on this one. Regarding government subsidization of the system. They try to spin the cost escalation as a product of the removal of subsidization. But if you see 30 percent of the population pursuing a degree at a given cost and average given household income. and If low interest loan rates enter the picture and government credits for a given set of population then the demand goes up simply because now 40 percent of the population is able to attend. Also those who could previously afford a community collage now may be able to afford a university degree. Once demand goes up at price is going up also. It’s as simple as that. The same holds true for mortgages. Lower the rate yet another point and extend loans to 50 years. And people will invariably buy exactly as much home as they possibly can. This drives the demand at a given price up and housing makes another great big leap in price. The smart thing is to just know the laws of economics and await your opportunity. Right now for instance with housing rates that cannot go much lower. Rather then max out your purchasing power buy half the home you can afford and just wait out the bust and buy cheap investment properties. Or play the game and understand the risk is your risk not anyone else’s fault. If things go wrong just like you pat yourself on the back for making a windfall and no one else.
Does that mean that I have to keep up with plastic sheeting on my half of the double-wide I signed for?
I know a girl who dated a guy who rented half of a single-wide. They DUPLEXED the fucking thing! And no, it wasn't me.