Browns Britain - EU 5th columnists now run government

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Nursey, Dec 13, 2007.

  1. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    What is:
    'Common Purpose'?

    Ever since watching this frightening video (Common Purpose EUs 5th Column in UK) I have been looking into the so-called charity that calls itself 'Common Purpose' and guess what...only 'communists' have a common purpose, the rest of us are expendable.
    (The vid is 2hrs long, but essential to give you background)

    Those within Government and Local Authorities have their 'training' paid for by the public purse, yet they are reluctant to admit even with Freedom of Information requests. It is a secret society, no-one will admit to being a member of Common Purpose, yet many senior politicians, senior police, Senior Armed Services members, and key position holders in Local Authorities are members of this secretive group.

    They call it 'Leading beyond Authority'
    I call it taking what you are not authorised to take, i.e. power.

    We urge the nations bloggers, newspapers and those clean politicians to investigate this 'charity' urgently.

    Blogger James Higham takes up the challenge, confronting these 5th Columnists. As does Battle for Britain. (See original page for links)

    The opening page of the "Common Purpose" website is harmless enough; but click on a few links and the sinister message becomes obvious.

    “What is Common Purpose?” I hear you ask …this from the NHS website

    Common Purpose helps people in leadership and decision-making positions to be more effective: in their own organisations, in the community and in society as a whole.

    They offer:
    • a range of programmes for leaders of all ages, backgrounds and sectors
    • websites for citizens who want to take the lead, people who dream of changing the world (or their part of it).

    Participants are selected by a local Common Purpose advisory group, consisting of senior leaders in the area covered by the programme.

    Common Purpose are looking for candidates who are:
    • senior decision-makers within the area covered by the programme
    • interested in contributing to the future of their area.

    Applicants will be considered according to their:
    • current responsibility as a leader through work or community activity
    • involvement within the area covered by the programme
    • likely contribution to the perspectives and dynamics of the group
    • ability to participate fully in the Common Purpose programme.

    So if you are not in a position of power already, you wont be considered as of any use to them.

    It began in the UK in 1988, where it has some 45 offices, but has now taken its sun symbol logo into many countries as Common Purpose International. These include France, Germany, Ghana, Hungary, India, Ireland, Netherlands, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and Turkey. I understand it is also moving in on the United States. This is its stated goal:

    'Common Purpose aims to improve the way society works by expanding the vision, decision making ability and influence of all kinds of leaders. The organisation runs a variety of educational programmes for leaders of all ages, backgrounds and sectors, in order to provide them with the inspiration, information and opportunities they need to change the world.'

    From such bland descriptions come two questions immediately:
    A common purpose to what end?
    And 'change the world' in what way exactly?

    We need answers here because Common Purpose is sweeping through the UK 'training' leaders in all areas of society and if they have a 'common purpose' we ought to know about it.

    One of the Trustee's of Common Purpose International is Rudi Bogni, who has written several articles for Wilmott Magazine, here and here. Both articles very well outline the problems with our society and would appeal to most I think, but fall short on giving us the answers. Only Common Purpose have those.

    Another trustee Tarek Ben Halim, is also a trustee of another organisation, The Arab Learning Initiative based in Egypt, now rebranded as Alfanar (in Arabic Alfanar means lighthouse), which appears to have similar goals, they say that 'Our goal is to promote social change in the Arab world'. We believe that achieving social change is a long term goal and requires a long term commitment they say.
    They received a donation of approximately £25,000 from the Westminster Foundation for Democracy to fund one of their projects. WFD is an organisation accountable to Parliament in the UK.

    The Common Purpose organisation now has training programmes in every major town and city in Britain and since 1989 more than 60,000 people have been involved with 20,000 'leaders' completing one or more programmes. These are:

    Leaders: Matrix and Focus
    Emerging leaders: Navigator
    Very young leaders: Your Turn
    Leaders who need a local briefing: Profile
    National leaders: 20:20

    What charity trains National Leaders ??

    The official founder and Chief Executive of Common Purpose is Julia Middleton who in her profile at the Common Purpose UK Website ( fails to mention a rather relevant fact: she was also Head of Personnel Selection in the office of John Prescott, the Deputy Prime Minister to Tony Blair.

    Prescott has been the man with responsibility for creating 'regional assemblies' around the United Kingdom which are part of the plan to abolish nations and bring their powerless 'regions' under the jackboot of the European Union. He has, of course, sought to sell this policy as 'devolving power to the people'.

    Prescott has common purpose with Common Purpose and Julia Middleton because they are all committed to the same end. The European superstate is designed to be centrally controlled and managed at lower levels by bland and brain dead 'leaders' who are all programmed to think the same. This is where Common Purpose comes in.

    You will also see the Orwellian Newspeak technique in which the organisation claims to stand for what it is seeking to destroy - Common Purpose says its aim is to develop 'diverse' leaders, whilst creating the opposite.

    Ever been on a 'diversity training' course?. Designed to make you accept all that is going on around you.

    Does it begin to make sense now why Labour, Tory and Liberal all occupy the same ground?

    Brian Gerrish at discovered Common Purpose when he was involved with a group in Plymouth in the west of England helping people find jobs and one of their projects was repairing wooden boats. He said they had lots of public support and backing from the local authorities and everything was going fine. But then it suddenly changed and the council support was withdrawn. When they tried to continue alone, he said that within a short time key people were being threatened:

    'When we started to explore why we were being threatened we were absolutely staggered to find a very strange organisation called Common Purpose operating in the city. And we were absolutely amazed that there were so many people involved but they were not declaring themselves ...

    '[Common Purpose] was operating throughout the structure of the city, in the city council, in the government offices, in the police, in the judiciary. Essentially we discovered what is effectively, at best, a quasi secret society which doesn't declare itself to ordinary people.'

    Further research has led Gerrish to establish that Common Purpose is recruiting and training leaders to be loyal to the objectives of the organisation and the European Union and preparing the governing structure for what it calls the 'post-democratic society' after nations are replaced by regions in the European Union.

    'They are learning to rule without regard to democracy, and will bring the EU police state home to every one of us', Gerrish says. Common Purpose 'graduates' are increasingly everywhere, as you will see from the partial list at the end of this article.


    Common Purpose graduate Cressida Dick issued the 'shoot-to-kill' order to police officers that led to an innocent Brazilian electrician, Jean Charles de Menezes being held down by police and shot eight times at point blank range, seven of them in the head. Cressida Dick has since been outrageously promoted from commander to deputy assistant commissioner in the Metropolitan police.

    Janet Paraskeva, the Law Society's Chief Executive Officer, is also a Common Purpose graduate and there are many and increasing numbers in the law and enforcement professions. Continue...
  2. j412

    j412 New Member

    Last edited: Dec 13, 2007
  3. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    The real socialist with the plan are Fabian Socialist .

    A perfect example of just how powerful they are would be the global warming example. Despite an increasable and overwhelming amount of evidence to the contrary. They have managed to pull off an amazing feat with convincing the world it is real.

    You only need to analyze how they manage to re-write the facts and even change history. The only way to pull it off is to dumb down the masses. Keep them amused with utterly useless distraction. Influence the minds of the younger generation using the public education system. Take over the institutions of higher learning and become the power brokers over industry. Then force the system to implode all the while distorting the facts while it is happening by use of the media.

    The Labor party and Democrats are the communist party. And they make up the bulk of Fabian Socialists.

    In order to pull this off it is imperative that they control the media, the schools and the unions. They got all of this and this is the generation where they also own the upper class white collar crowd.

    Global warming is a perfect example of re-writing current fact. McCarthyism is a perfect example of re-writing history. The sad thing is I do not think they can be stopped. Because the dumbed down massed are to distracted by the blinky lights and sounds to notice.
  4. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member


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