Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Nursey, Dec 13, 2007.

  1. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    This article will start off assuming that the Reader (you) is already subject to MARTIAL LAW; that is, the "suspension" of the Constitution. Curfews, rationing of basic goods, enforced relocations, confiscation of firearms and supplies, and summary arrest/execution by soldiers, paramilitary police and other jack booted chumps in black wielding assault rifles. Basic survival tips will be followed by more detailed ideals on how to counter this coup against the American People.

    The remainder will apply IF you're reading this before MARTIAL LAW is imposed by the current corrupt government. IF you are reading this while you still nominally under Constitutional Law, it's urgent you read from the beginning to end so as to appreciate the opportunities you currently have to not only protect yourself and yours, but to attempt to stop a coup.


    Rule #1

    Never take the government's word at face value-except when they tell you that they'll kill you.

    Government-it's components of career politicians, bureaucratic vermin, and SS ninja wannabes live, have lied. For a lot longer than you'd think. It's the very job; being part of an empire wrapped in the cloak of American political traditions of Freedom, that corrupts. All that power, attracting the most venal along with the most patriotic to defend America. All that license under ever mutable law written by money whores to lie, steal, embezzle, blackmail, extort, poison, torture, enslave, murder.

    Is it any wonder then that such human scum would get together and work "the system" to set themselves up as kings, dispensing with the pretty coverings of Constitutional limitations that trip their crimes like a prom dress? Taking as much as they can, while keeping YOU ASLEEP AS YOU LET YOURSELF BE SEDUCED AND PUT ASLEEP BY THEIR FELLOW TRAVELLERS IN THE MEDIA AND CORPORATE BOARDS?

    Yes: a lot of the blame can be laid on your shoulders, American. You dropped the ball with going along with not finding the truth about JFK's assassination. Dropped the ball with MLK, RFK, Malcolm X. Dropped the ball with Vietnam, the air trafficker's strike that Reagan crushed, Iran-Contra. Dropped the ball with the 92 election-picking that drug runner and murderer Bill Clinton because he was charming… like a pimp. And boy did he pimp you out at the expense of Randy Weaver and his family, the 81 casualties at Waco, the peoples of the former Yugoslavia. You were too busy following Micheal Jordan and watching Friends.

    Then you assholes really dropped it when George W. Bush STOLE the Presidency, with the media not even allowing a Ross Perot to run. If you would've elected him in 1992 in fact America could've been saved. BUT, you'd rather take government careerists at their word and plan your next outing to the mall than save your nation. Save your jobs, your freedoms, YOUR government.

    Now it's gone. The criminals that've systematically taken over YOUR government they've removed the last vestiges of Constitutional law. Now it's law by the barrels of their assault rifles in your face-do ANYTHING other than obey in utter fear and you're dead. Or worse. You listened to their lies for over a century, you and your ancestors-where has it gotten you? Don't take their word on any "news" they have. Nor take their advice, their "assistance" their laws at face value because they manipulate everything they do to screw you.

    What you can take their word on is, if you DON'T go along with them screwing you, they'll kill you for it.

    Rule #2


    Continue reading...

    Last edited: Dec 13, 2007
  2. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    I bet it sounds like a party in your head with all them voices.
  3. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    Better to have some common sense and intuition than to have the mental equivalent of 'solitary confinement', eh?

    As to the post, If the government held out an apple and said "this is an apple" I still wouldnt believe them. That is what the extent of their deceit has done.
  4. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

  5. homer

    homer Member

    Just watch Red Dawn,Patrick Swayze will show you the way.

    As for the government wanting to "protect me" from myself I'll never believe them .I've been screwed over by people that were very close to me and thought I could trust,why would I believe a bunch of hypocrites that just want to get reelected at all cost no matter who they screw.
    Sounds pretty jaded I know but I figure if I believe none of what I hear and about half what I see then I'm ahead of most of the sheep out there and will be at least somewhat ready for just about any shitstorm to come my way.
  6. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    So tell me about Putin and the KGB is there any nefarious activity going on over there? Just wondering.
  7. j412

    j412 New Member

    One minute the governments a bunch of bumbling idiots that couldn't find their ass if they were sitting on their hands with a road map. A moment later they're crafty enough to steal everyone's liberty away without them knowing it. Wait, no one should be allowed to own guns, oops no lets all own guns to fend off the nazi dictatorship that is the US. Make up your mind. By the way, thanks for the link it's almost as funny as watching Jackass.
  8. j412

    j412 New Member


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