Tasers + evil jerks = big problems

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Disorder, Nov 17, 2007.

  1. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Very well said consecutively now two common sense posters if you can stand the stench I encourage both to stay.
  2. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Tasers: the next generation

    Alarmed by recent incidents? Wait'll you see what the company is planning for 2008

    The Taser is going wireless.

    Until now, the electric-shock gun consisted of two barbed darts attached to wires that shoot out and strike the victim, immobilizing the person with 50,000 volts of electricity, causing severe pain and intense muscle contraction.

    But the wires could only extend a few metres. With the new "extended range electronic projectile," or XREP, the Taser has been turned into a kind of self-contained shotgun shell and can be fired, wire-free, from a standard shotgun, which police typically have in their arsenal already.

    The first electrode hooks on to the target, the second electrode falls and makes contact elsewhere on the body, completing the circuit and activating the shock. It can blast someone as far as 30 metres away, and, unlike the current stun guns, whose shock lasts five seconds, the XREP lasts 20 seconds, enough time to "take the offender into custody without risking injury to officers."
  3. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    Last edited: Dec 4, 2007
  4. j412

    j412 New Member

    I followed the first link and of course the first video didn't work. I googled the Kristina Fretter and guess what, she has been arrested again! Once again she resisted and slipped out of her handcuffs! The video right below that showed a person strike at the officer, please tell me what’s wrong about tasing him. Even his wife was commenting on how he was acting. Even worse I see in the article sources from The Fort Worth Weekly. Great, let’s quote a rag that aspires to be like the enquirer!
    Here is a quote from your second link; "The woman wore a winter coat and did not tell the officer she was pregnant, Etter said. “She was totally unco-operative,” he said."
    Why should the officer here be at fault, he tased her after she fought with him. He had no idea that she was pregnant. Why do people consistently pick on isolated cases of "possible" misuse and not know the whole story. The real story is a dramatic decrease in police and suspect injuries in areas using a taser yet this is completely ignored. Would it have been that same story if the officer had to use another type of force while trying to arrest the fighting woman and discovering later that she was pregnant? What was the result of the incident? Was she injured? Was she disabled? It is easier and more dramatic for the reporter to put "the condition of the woman and fetus is unknown" than to do their job and accurately report the results.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2007
  5. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    That's why I say tase everyone as soon as they are pulled over. That way it's all fair.
  6. phatboy

    phatboy New Member


    Dang the no0b coming in with guns, I mean tasers, blasting.

    Good point. I would rather be tasered than shot or beaten with a baton. I actually think that video of the drunk guy getting tasered 3 times is hilarious. Just the fact that his dumb as keeps trying to get up is what keeps me laughing. The cop saying, "Stay down" the drunk replying "I ca ca ca ca nnnnnnnttttt" HA HA HA

    and yes I have been tased, and no I didnt like it. But if it came down to me being shot or tasered I would prefer the taser.
  7. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    You see that blonde headed dude arguing with the cop about why he was being pulled over, and then arguing that he would not sign the ticket, then arguing about putting his hands on the car?

    That cop had more patience then I would. He probably felt sorry because the wife and kids were in the SUV and while that’s understandable. The guy made a perfect ass of himself in front of his family. What an example for dad.
  8. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Why is it so hard for people to just be polite when they are caught in the wrong? I have gotten more 'warnings' by just talking respectable to the officer. I've gotten 3 speeding tickets in my life and I have probably been pulled over 20 times. One time, I was doing about 120 on my bike, trying to get home from the 'club', it was cold and I was wearing shorts. I got pulled right were the expressway turns back into a 5 lane. I was slowing down at the time when I got pulled, I could have ran, but hey I've been pretty lucky in the past. The two cops get out of the cruiser. The officer says, "Do you know how fast your were going?"

    I says, "Yea, sorry about that, I'm just trying to get home and I'm freezing on this thing"

    The officer says, "Probably wouldnt be so cold if you would slow down."

    I laugh and say, "Yea, you're right, I was just wanting to get the ride over with"

    The officer says, "Well slow it down and be careful."

    I say, "Thanks officer, you have a good evening"

    See how easy that is?

    I have run on the bike in the past, but that was in SouthCarolina, those guys are pricks.
  9. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I know. I've been with people who were dicks to the cops when they were speeding. Fuck. I've been pulled over and didn't try to fight it. One time my registration was expired and he asked me if he knew why he pulled me over and dumb honest me said, "My registration has been expired for 6 months." I worked midnights back then and damn if I wanted to dick with the DMV. I got a ticket, big whoop. The second time I was going 86 in a 65 zone and I was kind of a dick because I stopped close to the line of the road hoping he would get run over. :)
  10. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Ya think? :)
  11. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    It was Ohio. I hate Ohio.
  12. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    You know truckers hate Ohio also. I hear they are assholes about traffic violations.
  13. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Yup. You know your cops have evolved into a bunch of cowardly, 'pussy-ass' fags when they need tasers to restrain a pregnant woman.
  14. j412

    j412 New Member

    They do need the taser to restrain the pregnant woman. They use the taser so she doesn't get injured while she is acting an ass and being restrained.
  15. homer

    homer Member

  16. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

  17. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    So...you're saying that pregnant women SHOULD be tased then in order to restrain them? Wow. Aren't there any, you know, men left in the police force these days? What a bunch of limp wristed, taser-happy faggots!
  18. j412

    j412 New Member

    If your going to try and twist my words you'll have to do better than that. Any third grader could deduce from my post that the taser was the most efficient way to take her into custody without injury. In the beiginnning I meant to write "They didn't need the taser". And once again I have to point out the obvious, She did not tell them that she was pregnant.

    Yup all a bunch of "limp wristed taser-happy faggots" until some dirtbag is kicking in your front door, beat your ass and took your stuff or worse. Well next time call Alex Jones and see if he will chase the bad guy down the dark alley and fight with him (while probably getting injured) so he can return your damn $3 Hello Kitty mp3 player. While you stand on the front porch and bitch because it got dirty.
  19. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    You missed my point which was that whether the policeman knew it or not, the woman WAS pregnant. A pregnant woman is not going to be able to put up too much of a struggle, which leads me to wonder why a man...a big, burly policeman no less...was unable to restrain a her?
    Let's have a look:

    News clip

    Note - the officer does indeed manage to restrain her - yet still uses a taser on her neck - while she is pinned face down on the ground!? She posed what threat in this position (and to who), exactly?
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2007
  20. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    If she is thrashing about and fighting with cops she is posing a threat to herself, her unborn child, and the police officer. 'Restrained' or not. I have seen 120lb girls in handcuffs fighting with cops, they get near something and they try to climb up it, and kick off of it. I mean I guess he could have rabbit punched her in the back of the head. But that would have been assault.

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