the makers of this: See that water bottle thingy? It's cheap plastic and so is the house that holds it. It's next to impossible to get the fucking bottle out of the house, so last night I am trying to get it out by wiggling it and pulling it and the damn thing comes out with such force that my hand hit the top edge of the tank which is lined with VERY sharp plastic and it fucking cut several layers of skin off of my finger. (I didn't take the house out because she had all of her bedding nice and cozy and all I wanted to do was change the goddamn water!) I don't know how much is too much. I saved the skin by putting it in a damp paper towel and tried to stop the bleeding and cleaned it with alcohol and put neosporin on it and wrapped it all up. It hurts and I'm pissed. It's not even my hamster!
We fed my dads pet bird chicken. She liked it I think if she could really talk instead of mimic and whistle the Mayberry tune she would have said it tasted just like sunflower seeds.
Do you save scabs, too? Maybe we can compare collections sometime! Let me go and get my jar (it's right next to the ones filled with toenail clippings)... Seriously, though - smear some vaseline on the place where the water bottle makes contact with the house? Or... maybe file some grooves in the housing so it doesn't completely touch the water bottle?