Actually, she reminded me that we never did get "jiggy" in the van and it's certain we won't in the Lexus (it's a sedan). I traded in the van plus a lot down to make the payments easier. They hardly looked at the van and I ran like a scalded dog when we finished. The van needed brakes, tires, front end alignment, had mildew on the carpet, the automatic doors rarely worked, was 3000 miles over needing an oil change, and more. Not exactly a lemon but I'm glad they didnt' inspect it too closely. My new wheels. The wife's:
They don't care about your trade. Trading your car in is a way for them to not have to go down much (if at all) on their price.
Yeah, we stalled on the trade-in talks and concentrated on sticker price first. Then, we brought in the trade for further negotiations. I didn't care if they gave more on the trade or came down on the sticker. The net result is the same so we got them to an acceptable level. Then, we talked down-payment with the finance guy. We didn't get into what our monthly payment would be until that point.
You stole his tires!? What the hell did he ever do to you? They were the only thing on the car worth something.
Whenever I shut any of my doors, rust falls off. It's interesting to see the driveway when I get home.
I'm just the camera man, not the gangster. Although, you may want to question this guy about the disappearance...