,2933,310316,00.html They will be making accusations soon that others do it.
Student says Clinton staffer showed her a binder with about eight questions Student said she was not the only one told what to ask
Maria Luisa, the UNLV student who asked Hillary Clinton whether she preferred "diamonds or pearls" at last night's debate wrote on her MySpace page this morning that CNN forced her to ask the frilly question instead of a pre-approved query about the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste repository. "Every single question asked during the debate by the audience had to be approved by CNN," Luisa writes. "I was asked to submit questions including "lighthearted/fun" questions. I submitted more than five questions on issues important to me. I did a policy memo on Yucca Mountain a year ago and was the finalist for the Truman Scholarship. For sure, I thought I would get to ask the Yucca question that was APPROVED by CNN days in advance." Now, Luisa is getting "swamped" with critical e-mails. So what happened? Writes Luisa: And again
Well that does it then. Nursey said that a friend said that a soldier said that he herd about...... Better vote for the Hildabeast.
I've always said that Republicans and Democrats are two arms of the same beast. How could voting for the left or right make any real difference when the same brain is controlling them?
If anyone thinks that staged/pre-planned conversations or interviews only happen every now and then, well you are crazy. From Leno and Letterman to your local news anchor, if they interview a politician, you can gaurantee there is an 'approved' questions list signed and agreed upon before the camera ever fires up. They dont want to be hit with a question they are not prepared for, so they only agree to the interview when they can control it.
You aren't using Rupert Murdoch (the founder of the National Enquirer) as a source, which indeicates the presence of a brain. However, when someone uses a widely reported bit of news and only cites fox rather than a reputable source...