Wow. Kind of like Dawn of the Dead without the zombies. Considering that I hate the mall, this would not be for me.
That is exactly why I love it so so much. Because the mall is Mordor and it's like having an apartment in Sauron's catacombs.
I had to go look that shit up. I've never seen Lord of the Rings, so I have no clue what you are talking about.
There are websites dedicated to cataloguing secrete places and clubs that meet and explore them. This would be a pretty cool one. But there are many in nearly every city large or small. Me and my brother and a few friends used to explore the Houston City underground tunnels for instance. I kept doing that sort of thing into my twenties till I decided it would not be cool to have a criminal trespass on my record as an adult.
Wish I could think of some of the names. But you would be surprised what you can find. is an example of a web page that talks about some of them. When ever I see a door I wonder what is on the other side. If you talk to a structural engineer they can point out things most people are unaware of like for instance large City bridges built with tunnels within the structure that are of quite a substantial size. Designed for the purpose of running what ever the city utility needs through. This guys forgotten storage area are typical really. It can be a rush when I used to do that shit we had no digital cameras to take pics and web pages to post our exploits. I suspect though that for security reasons these web sites are being taken down.
Ohhh that is awesome, thank you! I have a fascination with secret/hidden places, and I have a few in Portland, but would love to know more.
I read the Hobbit whole trilogy as well as the Silmarillion and even the Poems of Tom Bombadil (was that the correct name) but that was my freshman year in High School. Before Tolkien was cool. Except that Robert Plant sang about The Hobbit.
Me too! I was soooo into the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings when I was a kid! Oh damn. It's funny, The Hobbit was the best thing ever when I was little, but I tried to read as an adult and I just couldn't get into it.
Ha! This is kinda funny:
I use to do this as a kid except we had a secret place in the water drainage system under the suburb. Most of the tunnels were big enough to ride bikes thru and we could get to anywhere in town including the mall. It tripped people out seeing 10 year old kids pouring out of a drainage grate.