Jeffco courtroom meltdown for MTV's Don Vito 'Don Vito' actor yells, collapses in Jeffco courtroom MTV star Vincent Margera collapsed in a Jefferson County courtroom Wednesday, sobbing and swearing as he heard his first guilty verdict for groping girls during a promotional appearance at the Colorado Mills mall. "Jesus! I can't spend the rest of my f------ life in jail! Just f------ kill me now!" he screamed as he hit the floor, knocking down defense attorney Pamela Mackey as he fell. Four deputies rushed to Margera, 51, as he writhed on the floor. "I can't stand up! My legs! My legs! I can't move," he yelled as deputies tried to calm and subdue him. The second guilty verdict for sexual assault on a child triggered another episode of wailing with Margera still on the floor. "I didn't f------ do nothing. You can rot in f------ hell," screamed Margera, who is better known as Don Vito in the MTV reality series Viva La Bam, which stars his nephew, Bam Margera. "I can't move. I can't move," he shouted as deputies surrounded him and the astonished jury looked on. One juror cried and wiped tears from her face. Over the din, Jefferson County District Judge M.J. Menendez continued reading the verdicts in a calm, clear voice, asking each juror, "Were these and are these your verdicts?" Meanwhile, additional deputies ran down the hall and into the courtroom with a wheelchair and a defibrillator. "I can't get up!" Margera said. "My legs are broke! Help me. Help me!" Eventually, four deputies dragged the sobbing Margera out of the courtroom in handcuffs. Once he was gone, the only evidence of the pandemonium was a miniature Hershey's candy bar on the floor where Margera landed. The jury's verdict, reached after about five hours of deliberation, brought the 10-day trial to a dramatic end. Margera was convicted on two counts of sexual assault on a child for groping the breasts of two girls, one 12 and one 14, who had their photos taken with him during an autograph session at the Colorado Mills skatepark on Aug. 18, 2006. The 12-year-old girl said Margera touched her breast and commented "big boob," causing her to leave in embarrassment. The 14-year-old girl said Margera put a sticker on her breast and inner thigh. Ironically, Margera was acquitted on a charge involving a 12-year-old girl whose parents prompted the filing of charges by complaining to mall security and police. Margera had been charged with groping this girl's breast, but the girl testified that he came near but didn't touch it. She said he touched her buttocks and leg as he put his arm around her for the photo. Margera, who must register as a sex offender, faces possible sentences that include probation or prison. If sentenced to probation, he would have to serve at least 10 years and could remain under supervision for the rest of his life. If he receives prison time, the sentence could range from two to six years to life behind bars. He will be sentenced Dec. 20. He also could face a mandatory sentence of one year to 18 months in prison for allegedly breaking the conditions of his bail. He is charged with 12 counts in that case, which comes up for a preliminary hearing in December. Margera's attorneys and family members declined to comment and were escorted out of the courthouse through a back exit. Denver District Attorney Scott Storey said he didn't know what to make of Margera's behavior. "I've never seen a defendant plunge to the ground like that," Storey said. "It's definitely a serious verdict. Not knowing him, I don't know if that's a typical reaction," he said. "He may have been taken by surprise and thought he would be exonerated. That's certainly not the case." "It's not necessarily life in prison," he said. "A lot depends on how amenable he is to sex-offender treatment so we can assure that the community is safe. That will be up to him." Margera has maintained throughout the case that he did nothing wrong. A painter of cars in West Chester, Pa., Margera "went from anonymity to overnight stardom," Mackey said, because of his nephew's MTV show. Mackey contended that her client may have been obnoxious and vulgar but said he was acting according to the character that his fans loved and expected to see. Any touching that took place during the photo sessions didn't rise to criminal conduct because it wasn't done for sexual arousal, gratification or abuse, as the law requires, she said. When two female police officers arrived at the mall parking lot to arrest him, Margera called them "psycho lesbian b------" and thought he was being "punked." During the arrest, Margera claimed his arm had been broken, prompting a visit to an emergency room. He was cleared and taken back to the police station, only to be returned to the emergency room when he complained he couldn't breathe and was having a heart attack.
Bam Margeria went on a tirade about this 6 months ago on his radio show. Now, it's time for a civil suit, sad thing is, vito is broke. Bam is the one with all the millions from skateboarding endorsements. From the way he acts on the show, I think Vito may be mildly retarded. Still doesn't excuse his actions. I bet that was a fun day in court. They should try the civil case on Judge Judy
Somehow I don't think those mall rats are permanently scarred for life. I am thinking the only effect on them was to text their buddies bragging that they got felt up by Don Vido right before they gave their little high school boyfriends BJs.
That what I always thought of him. He always seemed a bit off with self control issues. It's sad in a way but this is how our world is today. But if those are the girls in the picture they do not look 12 or 14 and again the PARENTS should be held at fault too for allowing there children to dress in that manner.
Dude, 12 and 14? Regardless of how they look to your perv eyes, they're almost certainly virgins and they are definitely children. That's just gross.
dress? allow their young daughters to hang out with a scurvy turd-bucket like Don Vito. I agree there is some blame to lay on the parents, but still, I'm sure Don Vito knows it's not okay to just touch a person in that manner. I am so sure there will be a civil suit, but like i said, Bam has the money, I'm sure Vito spent any royalties he made on booze and hookers by now. Honestly, readding blogs from the Jack-ass guys (I am a big GNARkill fan) only the major guys in the whole Jackass/viva la Bam/wildboys made any money. Brandon Dicamillo, and Rake were (are) still dirt poor, Rake still lives with his parents, and has a pretty good job working in a ballistics lab. I'm sure Mtv has a way of fucking people out of a paycheck, with shiny new Ipods, and free trips to Mexico
Oh I'm sure he does, I'm just curious if he has a problem with impulse control. From watching the show he is a classic case.
you know, watching the show, you kinda think, "wow, look at how this guy is acting!! what a fruit!" then you realize, "wait, this is reality television, maybe it isn't an act". Then you reassure yourself "yeah he's hamming it up for the cameras". then you read this article and say "wow, the United states as a cultural society is really going down the shitter, at an alarming pace"
Well you know I won't argue that. But from watching the show I agree a lot of it was hamming but come on he has something wrong with him to began with.
He was always creepy on the show. Remember that episode where he was wearing Bam's boxers and eating BBQ chicken in bed? He was doing all kinds of weird sick shit that episode. I just wonder how much of a fuss would have been made if it was Bam doing it and not his wall-eyed uncle.
That was the best part. I would have liked it better had it read, "Once he was gone, the only evidence of the pandemonium was a miniature Hershey's candy bar crushed and barely recognizable on the floor where Margera landed."
Shut up. You tard. I don't have to pull my hair out and say ewwwwwwwwwwww on cue for you. I don't even have to read the article. In fact I just skimmed it. It has nothing to do with my life. I just expressed my opinion that that those girls in the pictures don't appear traumatized. I am wondering who thought it was a good idea for them to be hanging out with a guy who was clearly pretty crazy and a member of an adult tv show.
You can't offer a valid opinion on a subject by skimming an article. After all this isn't a diagnosis in the ER.
This reads as if you are saying the parents of those girls should be held responsible for Don Vito's actions because they have poor taste. Is that really what you're saying? Maybe also you should throw in "they were asking for it" while you're at it. They practically held a gun to his head and MADE him a pedo creep! Slutty little bitches!
Well, he looked at the snapshot taken at the moment the groping was happening, that pretty much makes him an expert in the girls' emotional reactions.
okay now you are an expert on some girls "emotional reactions" based upon reading some bullshit column and a little snap shot. For all we know the guy is drunk off his ass and didn't even know he was grabbing a tit. He has a beer in his hand. It was all in plane view of the public. Maybe the guy is a pedophile we don't know that. I for one don't trust a bunch of ignorant ass jurors with IQs similar to yours (read OJ simpson like dumbass jurors) to be able to wipe their asses right much less make an intelligent decsion. The whole thing is a fuckn joke. It looks like a mad magazine cover. 2 little girls dressed up as to try to appear slutty looking and society making a big deal like it is horrifying that something happens when a 14 year old dressed like a slut that looks almost 18 is groped by a retarded guy. The first BJ I ever got was from a 15 year old. I was the same age. She was the horniest girl I have ever met. She practically raped me not once but about 20 times.
I guess he didn't realize he was grabbing a boob when he commented "big boob". Ignorant would be thinking that the girls were asking for it because they looked older than they were, or making assumptions that they were like the retard that gave you your first BJ. The fact is a 51 year-old man put his hands on a 14 year-old girl. It's illegal. I don't care what the circumstances were.